"I Know What You Are, But What Am I?"

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Them: It's clear that we designers must not have any opinions or we are surely going to be called homophobic. funny right? how you can deny Justin Bieber's fanfic cover because you hate him but you can't deny lgbt request because you aren't comfortable. lol people these days

Me: Disliking an individual is NOT the same as disliking an entire group of people because you're a bigot, sweetie. Maybe take your fake analogies to iFunny where such bs belongs.

Them: sure. thanks for classifying me as bigot. btw do you even know the meaning of bigot? I bet you don't. It's a person incapable of tolerating other's opinion. applaud for you because you just proved yourself a bigot 👏👏also what if I say I am a part of that community but I don't make pg 13 graphics? I will still be a bigot. so sad ;-;


I'm sure back in the third grade people thought your whole shtick was clever, but as an adult, I'm gonna need something more substantial than schoolyard insults and one simplistic dictionary definition picked out of a myriad of simplistic dictionary definitions. 

Because not only is your chosen definition simplistic, it's wildly inaccurate. If bigotry is nothing more than refusing to tolerate another person's opinion, then literally every person on this earth is a bigot. People who call out racism are bigots. People who take a stand against nazis are bigots. People who criticize the rampant misogyny in our culture are bigots. Hell, Jesus was a bigot. The definition is so broad anyone who points out bigotry is automatically a bigot themselves for doing so, so by your own definition, friendo, you're a bigot because you didn't tolerate my "opinion" that you're a bigot.  

So obviously bigotry is more than simply failing to tolerate an opinion. Some opinions are actively dangerous, and therefore tolerating them is actively dangerous. I suggest you look up the Paradox of Tolerance which points out that a society that was tolerant of ALL opinions and ideas would by necessity be taken over by the hateful and bigoted and cease to be tolerant at all. Because we HAVE to take a stand against bigotry and hate. We need to cut it out of our culture like the festering wound it is.

And your opinion that there is something uniquely dirty and "mature" about LGBTQ+ relationships and/or identities? Fucking dangerous. It causes real world harm. LGBTQ+ people are murdered, assaulted, raped, physically and emotionally abused, thrown out of their homes, bullied, forcibly medicated, forced into conversion therapy, denied basic fucking rights -- all because of this mindset you're trying to defend and normalize. 

But sure. I'm the bigot for calling that out. And you're just an innocent asshole who targets an oppressed and  marginalized group of people and then expects to have their feelings coddled. 

As for your claim that you maybe might be LGBTQ+ yourself (even though you say "that community," wtf), even if that were true and not just a sad attempt to deflect criticism of your bigotry, that wouldn't make you any less of a homophobe/transphobe/biphobe/panphobe/queerphobe, I'm afraid. A person can be part of an oppressed group and still push dangerous and bigoted opinions about said group. For example, your claim that LGBTQ+ graphics are somehow "PG-13" in and of themselves? Or your comparison that hating LGBTQ+ people is just like hating Justin Beiber? Yeah, those are both bigoted statements, and your orientation and/or gender identity has nothing to do with it.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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