You need me and here I'll be

16 1 5


Through the forest she ran as fast as her legs would allow and more. Before she knew it she was lost. Sweat drenched her hair causing it to stick to her skin or was that water? Was it raining? She couldn't tell. There were trees, they looked the same. The dirt looked alike. She cried out for help but all that she got in return was the echos of the crows but no birds could be seen. The sun began to set and soon enough darkness was her everything. Not knowing where to turn, what to do she sat down but as she did the ground became a hole.  As she fell into the hole of nothingness screams that were inaudible were let out. Her eyes tightly shut waiting for the impact of her body with the floor but suddenly she's standing. Her eyes open to see her old room. A woman and a child stand there but she can't guess if she is one of them. It's as if she's on the other side of the looking glass.

The little girl is beautiful, her bright eyes shine brighter than any star that's ever been seen. The only problem with the angel is her lips are turned down, tears are streaming with tears. One after the other they flow.

"Mommy," the little girl sobs out.

The mom starts screaming no! Agonizing screams that claw at your ears. Screams of torture.

"Ah," Ryan screams out into the darkness.

Tears stream down her face. Heavy sobs escape her shaking body.

"This is all my fault," she cries out over and over again.

"I'm sorry," her lungs burst with those two words.

She can't take this anymore. Can't take this pain any moment longer. The slow pain that is eating at her soul sucking life out of her. She tries to clutch anything good in this world but it doesn't seem to be enough. She jumps out of the car and into the dark of the night taking a breath of air. She pulls out her phone and dials her only friend.

"Ryan," she sleepily says ", it's two in the morning."

Ryan doesn't seem to be able to contain her sobs at hearing her friends voice. She answered when Ryan most needed her.

"Aw love," her friend soothes with worry lacing her tone ", cry it out sweetie. I know it hurts each passing day that you live. Don't blame yourself honey, God works in mysterious ways."

"There is no such thing as God," her heart aches ", if there was none of this would've happened."

"Oh I know Ryan," she speaks softly ",everything has a purpose believe me."

"You know I can't possibly believe that," Ryan says trying to catch her breath as she leans against the car to support herself.

"I know," her smooth voice speaks ",I myself find it difficult to trust these words now cry it out old friend, just know I'm here. I'm right here for you."

  Ryan cries as she sets back into the front seat of her car. She weeps until her throat burns, her eyes are exhausted. Before she knows it she's falling into a deep sleep. She dreams this time, rather than a nightmare. In her dream there is a smiling guy with that honey voice of his and her best friend with her arms open inviting Ryan for a hug. She happily obliges allowing the warmth to radiate over her body. 


His eyes stay closed until he can feel her soft breathing. When he finally opens them his eyes, as good as they can see in the dark with little light, make out a body. She's wrapped up in sheets and her arm is draped over his chest. He lets out a shudder and lightly pushes her off and away from him. 

  Finally he can actually feel relaxed. The woman next to him is a comfortable distance away. He takes in a deep breath of cold air before he gets up. His feet come in contact with the freezing floor but he pushes the cold away. His only goal is finding his clothes.

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