Chapter One

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In hopeful attempts, Georgina Selwyn kept herself hidden the first time Mareena would be taking the Hogwarts Express. Kissing her daughter quickly on the cheek and forehead before disappearing into the shadows. It had worked until Mareena's fourth year, when Georgina had failed to disappear and was caught by the Ministry worker.

They, who remained nameless, took Georgina into the Ministry, while allowing Mareena to get on the Hogwarts Express without issue. Still being young and naïve, Mareena thought nothing of her mother being taken to the Ministry. She thought it would be a nice visit since it had been many, very many years since she'd last been there.

Mareena sat in a compartment with Frieda Holms, a fellow fourth year with spunk and family issues. While Frieda wasn't tall herself, Mareena still managed to be shorter than her, something that always got in their way. People enjoyed using them as armrests, which wasn't appreciated but still didn't cause much mind on their behalf.

"How was your summer?" Asks Frieda with a heavy Finnish accent.

"Rather boring," yawns Mare, usually waking up at 11:30a.m. was taking its toll on Mare. Just like her mother had warned her.

"Why's that?"  Frieda yawns as well then puts a piece of Spanish chocolate in her mouth, she had a huge supply of it, she's went to Spain every summer since Mare had met her.

"I wasn't allowed to do anything I'd planned on. Mum didn't want me leaving the house often...said about the Ministry of Magic finding us."

"But they've already technically found you....why is she so concerned?"

"She has said something about her doing something terrible before the Selwyn family all died. Something along those lines." Mare shrugs, giving a half smile.



Once arriving at Hogsmeade Station, the second year students and up got onto the carriages that led up to the castle, while the first years went in boats across the lake. Mare sat alongside Frieda with James Potter and Sirius Black facing across from them. It was an immediate sigh that escaped Freida's mouth, seeing as she loathed Sirius Black after a prank that had taken place the year before.

Mare glares at Sirius intensely, wishing he would evaporate from the heated glare. Sirius and James were talking loudly about something neither of the two ladies understood. Sirius finally glances over at the two, smirking at the sight of Mare glaring.

"Ah, the infamous Mare Glare, how exciting." Sirius says, folding one leg over the other, "what can I do for you on this fine, lovely evening?"

Mare's lips press in a thin line as her glare continues. She notices James in the corner of her eye shifting uncomfortably. He knew the "Mare Glare Stare" all too well, as it was commonly used whenever James bothered Lily Evans, a beautiful redhead in their year.

"Sirius, it's always a pleasure to see you." Mare grits.

"Well, I'd hope so."

Mare and Frieda roll their eyes simultaneously. Unfazed by his words. While Sirius Black seemed like the "bad boy" type, he really was a big goof. He was still a womanizer, and yet managed to chase every girl in the opposite direction due to his bad attitude at times.

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