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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky

"The puck makes it's way down to centre ice. Freeman is in possession of the puck, but is quickly countered by the forward, Xavier, to bring it back to the Guardians' zone. Xavier skates down and passes it to Richardson. Richardson flies by the defensemen of The Guardians and counters it by passing it back to Xavier. They're weaving their way through and fighting to break past the strategic and almost impassable barrier of The Guardians' defence. But Xavier is trapped! He looks around, but he's skating forward! Xavier shoots...! And the home of The Guardians are going wild! The Guardians centre forward, Jack Frost, makes a surprise appearance and blocks the puck from going in! The crowd is going wild!"

Breathe, Jack.

"Overland weaves his way behind the goalie zone and skates forward to the blue line, and makes his way quickly across the neutral zone. Overland passes it to Wellend and Wellend passes it back to Overland. The Nightmares try their best to break that weave, but there's no stopping them! Pitch Black charges toward Overland, but oh! Overland is too fast! Black continues to skate after The Guardians centre forward, and they're battling it out near the boards!"

Jack grits his teeth as he turns around, trying his best to avoid the disappointment of losing the puck so easily against the opposing team's defenceman. With his back facing the pale looking hockey player behind him, he looks down to the ice below him and raises his shoulder to block the view of the puck as he tries to skate out to centre ice and into The Nightmares zone.

Blue eyes dart from left to right, searching for a safe opening to pass the puck too. To no avail, his team mates are all securely covered by the opposing team, sneers directed toward him as he fights for the puck against The Nightmares' captain.

Jack swears under his breath and moves his skate forward, knowing all too well that he's trapped and has no choice but to try to force his way past the clutches that's Pitch Black's wrath. He hears Pitch growl under his breath and Jack turns, succeeding in continuing to keep possession of the puck, and away from Pitch.

All 5 senses are at an all-time high in times like this. He's aware of his heavy and laboured breaths and feels and hears his erratic heart beats under all his uniform equipment. His ears pick up the sound of skates drifting across the ice and his name being called over and over again throughout the arena, fans cheering him and their team on in a mantra. His nose picks up the smell of sweat, cheap game food, new and old equipment, shaved ice, and in general, just the smell of hockey.

He closes his eyes for the briefest moment to calm his heightened senses down, and skates forward, hoping for the best.

Focus, Jack.

But alas, hockey isn't just about being aggressive and impulsive. It's a game of strategy, of speed, of intelligence, and passion.

"Yo, mate!"

Jack's eyes dart to the right of him and he smirks, seeing a trusted team mate across the ice that managed to get past the huge defencemen that kept him in the same spot for only a few seconds, but what felt like hours to them.

His body darts forward on it's own and manages it to make it past the much taller body of Pitch Black.

Pitch yells and orders out a command to his surrounding team, "After him!"


The boy feels the cold wind against his face and he skates as fast as his body can manage toward Bunnymund, his goal to pass the puck to his silver-haired team mate.

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