UGLY Part 2

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       You're vile. You're vile to the very core it's honestly hard to miss that in you. How could no one see the vile person you are.

V- Valuable
      You are the most valuable thing to mankind. I didn't think I couldn't treasure something as much as I did you. I didn't think it was humanly possible.

I- Impulsive
         You are an impulsive mess and I love that about you. It can be tiring but it's worth it. You make these crazy decisions that can either be awesome or almost get us in trouble with the police.

L- Loyal
        While you may not show it you are loyal to any of your friends. You make sure that they are in a good position and will be there in a heartbeat of needed.

E- Extraordinary
         Nothing can match up to you no matter how hard they try. You are one of a kind and that's something that I will always treasure.

      You are vile. You are he essence of vile. That's because your Keith.

K- Kind
        Whether you show it or not doesn't matter it's the fact that it's there. You give off this vibe of I will be kind to you as long as you don't piss me off. Which is why we didn't get along at first.

E- Efficient
       You are always looking for a way to get something done quickly. You do it well and as a result can get many things done at once. I admire that about you.

I- Intelligent
        Impulsive and intelligent were two things I didn't think could ever go together until I met you. Your intelligence carries out your impulsive decisions. You also helped me graduate both college and High School so thanks for that.

T- Thankful
       This one is more about me but you are something I'm always thankful for. You also seem to be thankful for many things in life whether it'd be me, your friends or your damn motorcycle you never take them for granted and are always thankful for them.

H- Happy
          I'd like to say we make eachother happy because without eachother we are emotional messes. Happiness is what I gain from you and I'm hopeful that you gain it from me too.

       Yes, you are VILE but you are also Keith. The guy I wouldn't trade for anyone else. Which is why I'm glad to be spending the rest of my life with you.
        Keith was smiling by the end of Lances speech. He looked at him and said, "Didn't know you knew all of those words."

Lance gave a playful pout, "Rude, I can be smart." The two and their friends started laughing.
       The rest of the ceremony passed by and sealed with a kiss. The party flew by and as the two drove away in their car they could only see their future ahead.

Was that good? Did I do good? (somewhat of a reference). Anyway, this was as much fun writing as the first one was. I needed to give these boys a break. Don't worry the angst will continue. Maybe after a few more fluff chapters.

Until next time💙❤️

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