Chapter 6

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Saki and Yoshi finally reached the castle, Leona helped Yoshi get Saki into his bed as the servant prepared soup and and medicine. Saki groaned in his bed as his fever continued to rise. Yoshi ringed out the rag he dipped in hot water and moved toward Saki's bed. Yoshi reached out for Saki's arm and he jerked it back. Yoshi groaned as he tried to clean to wound as Saki continued to move his arm.

"Just hold." Yoshi said and he barely touched the arm before Saki screamed in agony.

"THAT HURTS!" Saki screamed and Yoshi groaned.

"Well if you would hold still, it wouldn't as hurt as much!"

"None of this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't run away!"

"If you haven't frighten me, I wouldn't have run away!" Saki paused for a moment before he gave a rebuttal.

"Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing."

"And maybe you should learn to control your temper!" Saki groaned in annoyance, knowing Yoshi won the argument. Yoshi sighed as Leona carefully walked into the room with her brothers and she gestured them to be quiet. "Now hold still, this might sting a little." Yoshi carefully placed the rag on the wound and Saki winced in pain before relaxing to Yoshi's touch. "I never really had the chance to say this, but thank you. For saving my life." Saki's eyes slightly widened in surprise and he nodded with no expression yet he felt little bit of happiness in his heart.

"You're welcome." Yoshi slightly smiled as he dripped the rag back into the water and that made Leona smile before she gave her father some tea.

In the woods, Donatello was traveling with Victor and Tyler give them the directions to the castle and Victor was losing his patience which Tyler noticed.

"Donatello, how much longer do we have until we reach this castle?" Tyler asked as Donatello looked around at the scenery, trying to remember the way.

"Oh not much longer sir, it just right up ahead." Donatello said as they came to stop in front of two way passages, which put a smile onto Donatello's face and he jumped out the carriage. "Here, right here was the entrance. We just need to go through this right passage and we'll be at the castle." Victor groaned.

"Look you foolish child, we've been wandering through these woods for two hours and there hasn't been one sign of this castle. That passage leads to wolf territory, if we go in there we'll be teared to shreds." Victor said as He towered over Donatello.

"But this passage way is the only way to get my mother back...."

"Your mother is not at a castle, he's not even taken!! This is all some dream that you thought is real and if we go through with these shenanigans we'll all die!!!" Donatello frowned as he realized what was happening, yet he wanted to hear for himself.

"Well if you think this is some kind of shenanigan, then why did you volunteer to help?"

"BECAUSE I WANT TO MARRY YOUR MOTHER AND MAKE HER MY QUEEN!!!" Donatello smirked as Victor groaned in frustration and he crossed his arms.

"Mister Falco, I'll have you I've talked to my mother about this subject. You know what she said, she can barely stand you and she will never marry you. So if you thought you could've gotten my blessing from this, you were sadly mistaken because I would never allow my mother live in that type of misery and frankly I never liked you anyway. Even more, I've lost my respect for you. You will never marry my mother." Victor glared at Donatello's words, how dare he disrespect him. Victor smiled and knocked Donatello out cold with his club, then he looked at Tyler.

"Well if I can't get this brat's approval, then what's the point of bring him home? I'll let the wolves take him of my hands or he can freeze to death." Tyler gasped as Victor dragged Donatello to the nearest tree and removed his cloak.

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