2// Gerard Way

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"Its okay to be messed up, because we are five dudes that are just as messed up as you."

"Just stay fighting. Because it actually isn't that bad. We started this band thinking that the world is just extremely ugly but I think now,we realise that its more beautiful than we thought."

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect,it just means that you have learned to look beyond the imperfections."

"Don't ever let the media tell you what your body is supposed to look like. You are beautiful just the way you are."

"Nothing is worth hurting your self over, do you understand me?"

"In other words, keep your bad vibes out of my corn flakes. I'm not interested."

"Its more important to keep your self alive. There's nothing worth ever hurting yourself over. I mean, I'm a person that goes through a lot of depression, and stress, and things like that. I'm generally happier these days but I have, its normal. Its completely normal to be depressed. I think its just important that you keep yourself alive and keep fighting."

"Suicide is a serious thing, and if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. NO ONE should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves the way I love you all."


U.S. Suicide Hotline
Love you guys ♥

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