St. Agape's Day

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Hmm... I hope this isn't too OOC for thirteen-year-olds...

And also WOOOOOOO canon goes out the window with this one.

Why does my stuff read like chick-lit? (Why am I implying that anything's wrong with chick-lit anyway?)

Soundtrack: Ghibli soundtracks. No reason needed ;) also, for some reason, Nyan Cat :/

Jessica knew that she had forgotten something, but it was only as she pushed down on the arts room door handle that realisation struck in a sweeping blow, and she groaned in dismay. The key. Of course, it was always the key.

As reluctant as she was to do so, she had, in fact, no other choice than to retrace her steps and follow the ever-winding, ever-dark corridors of the old school building all the way back to the admin block. She swung her bag down from her shoulder onto the floor, then set off. No need to drag around any extra weight, if she could help it.

The building was pretty silent, which in itself wasn't surprising: outside, the sky was bright and the lawn was a nice place to sit down with whoever person had returned one's affection to whatever love letter had been sent the day before. This reminded Jess of the few letters she had received herself and that she had yet to politely decline, but then she pushed the worrying thought aside when she remembered that Jonathan was going to have way more of a job than her, if he bothered to reply to any of his letters at all, that is.

For as long as she had known him, her friend had never been a romantic. His jam was to be the cool dude, the one who seemingly floated above all the stress and drama of school, the one guy whom everyone adored despite the fact that they didn't necessarily know him well. To others, he seemed untouchable, perfect, and had a heart as cold as the main entrance hall -which is pretty damn chilly, let me tell you- and even though the girl knew that this wasn't true, she had never witnessed anything that could disprove the rumours of her childhood friend's apparent asexuality.

That was, until she heard the sobs.

Despite their low volume, they echoed through the room, the emptiness of the hall amplifying the sound enough so that Jess managed to catch it. As tough as she seemed on the exterior, there was no way she was leaving whoever this person was alone. She followed the noise to its source, a shadowy spot that her bad eyes and weak glasses could not quite pierce through, only just making out the shape of a person leaning against the wall.

"Hey there, are you alright?" she asked, cringing at the harshness of her own voice. The person in the shadows immediately fell silent, not even the sound of breathing coming from the dimly lit corner of the room.

"Jessica?" the person whispered, and for a second, the girl remained silent, trying to figure out why this voice sounded familiar, yet unknown. Then, it clicked.

"Jonathan?" she tried, her voice dropping as she shuffled a little closer, joining him in the shadows. "What's going on?"

They were now next to each other, and she could just about make out the set of his face in the darkness. The blue of his irises was dimmed by a veil of unshed tears, looking not quite at her, but at the light streaming in in dirty golden strands from above one of the rows of lockers. Finally, he exhaled and looked at her full-on, a determined yet somehow... fragile look on his face. She was a little unsure, really. She wasn't used to seeing her friend like this.

"Jess... Do you mind not telling anyone about this?"

She pretended to consider it for a second, even though she had already made her choice. "Only if you tell me what put you in this state."

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