(15) Past

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(15) Past: 1920

The sound of him walking around in the living room made me shiver as if I were cold. He probably thought I was still sleeping, otherwise I would be dragged from my room and we’d be hunting. I wrapped my arms around my legs, keeping as quiet as possible.

The door opened slowly, startling me. When Xavier walked in, his eyes going over my body uncomfortably; I shivered. I watched as he adjusted his tie and then sat down on the bed next to me. “Are you ready to go hunting?” he asked.

I shook my head. “I’m still full from last night,” I replied quietly before scooting a little further from him.

He nodded, brushing his dark hair from his dark eyes.

I waited for him to leave, but, of course, he never did. Awkwardly, I stood up, hoping that by going into the other room, he may just go somewhere else. When I got up, he got up. When I left the room, he left the room. When I sat down on the couch, he sat down on the couch. I turned on a lamp and looked around the room in hopes of finding something to do that would keep my mind off of him being so close.

My eyes landed on a book that I’ve already read twice. I picked it up and began reading again.

“Are you still upset about your friend, Lucy?” he asked randomly.

I tore my eyes from the third page and raised an eyebrow. “Of course I am. It has only been month since her death,” I replied hotly. “But there is no changing what happened.”

He nodded, processing my words.

With a sigh, I looked back at my book, feeling slightly uncomfortable by how he was just sitting there beside me. It was only several minutes later when he let out a sigh and grabbed the book from my hands.

“You’re reading this again?”

I scowled, reaching for the book. “I really like it.”

“The Age of Innocence? Why don’t you read something new?”

My eyes narrowed and I crossed my arms. “It is new. It was published just this year.”

He tossed the book aside, his dark eyes on me the entire time. “Isn’t there something better to do than to read a book you’ve already read?”

I shook my head slowly. What else could I do? I wasn’t thirsty, there weren’t any good books around, and going outside seemed boring. If only Xavier would let me get books alone. Rule number one: never go anywhere without him. I stood up, picked up the book, and then sat back down, going back to the place where I was at.

“I know what we can do,” Xavier said, his eyes filled with excitement.

Again, my book was taken from my hands rudely. I thought about getting up and locking myself in the bathroom so that he wouldn’t bother me anymore. Of course, that’d earn me a long lecture and terrifying looks. I didn’t even doubt that he’d hit me.

He placed his hand on my knee and worked its way up, getting dangerously close to being inside of my dress. I shoved his hand away out of disgust. His expression turned sour immediately at my rejection.

“No,” I told him fiercely.

“No? You’re saying no to me?” he asked, astonished.

“Of course I decline your disgusting advances toward me. You are a monster for what you’ve already done to me!”

He clenched his teeth and ran his fingers through his hair roughly. “How dare you speak to me like that.”

“How dare you touch my body without so much as permission!”

He raised an eyebrow at that. Suddenly, without warning, he pinned me down with my hands pinned above my head. His lips brushed over my throat as I squirmed and screamed. He used one hand to hold my wrists as the other tried to feel its way up my leg.

“Stop!” I screeched, clueless as to what his next move could be. Would he actually go that far? He was completely unpredictable.

His hand stopped right at my thigh in an awkward way and he pressed his lips to mine. Screams and more struggles followed as I tried so hard to get away from him. I was terrified of him before all of this, and now I wished nothing more than to go out and hunt than be here, getting harassed, or worse.

“Stop! GET OFF OF ME!” I shrieked when his lips left mine and pressed onto my arm.

“Ask me politely,” he breathed into my ear.

“Please, Xavier, please don’t—“

He released me, and I quickly pulled down my dress to where it was back over my knees. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I stared into the heartless monster.

“How could you?” I whispered, my voice breaking.

“How could I? How could you talk to me that way? I have been good to you for weeks now, and you just spat in my face.”

I went to stand up and get away from him, but he grabbed my hand, forcing me to sit next to him. We stared at each other harshly. He wanted nothing more than to get me to both respect him, and also to get in bed with him like some kind of disgusting animal. I wanted nothing more than to get the hell away from here or possibly to watch him burn.

“You listen up, sweetheart. If you dare to disrespect me again, we’ll have a problem, understood?” His eyes were filled with darkness as he scanned my face for any eye rolling or nose wrinkling.

I just nodded slowly, my eyes wide open in fear that he might pin me down again.

“Okay then.” He released my hand.

I decided to take a very high risk. “May I speak, please?” I asked politely.

“Of course.”

Standing up so that I was out of arms reach, I averted my eyes to the corner of the room. “I would like to make this very clear for you. In no way will I ever do anything with you in the way you are thinking. I may be a newborn vampire, but I still have standards, and sleeping with my abusive creator is definitely not acceptable. I’ll never sleep with you, and I’m sorry if I led you on.”

He stood up to where he was face-to-face with me. I feared he would drag me off into the other room or something. His expression was blank and his bottomless pit eyes held no emotion. “You’ve insulted me, Lucy,” he murmured, and suddenly looked down at my book. “It is books like these that give you high expectations of a man. You are a vampire. Being a vampire tosses morals aside whether you like it or not.” He grabbed the book and literally tossed it into the fireplace.

I watched the book go up in flames, feeling my own anger flame up as well. “It doesn’t matter what I am. All that does matter is that I’ll never lay with you, ever. You might as well stake me now, because I’ll never do what you want me to.” I turned away from him and headed into my room, thankful that he didn’t stop me this time. 


Sorry for the short chapter. I mostly wanted to add another scene from the 20's, and the irony between the last chapter and this one =D 

The next chapter I swear will be longer! Also, thank you SO much to everyone that has commented/voted on my last chapter. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't be writing so quickly! Alright, the next chapter is in the present, but what will happen?? =O

Comments/votes are highly loved here! 

P.s. what do you think of Lucy's attitude back then compared to her present attitude?

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