The First Day

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Lizas Pov 

My alarm was beeping very loudly but I didn't exactly care to turn it off. As my phone annoyingly beeped endlessly I cowarded behind my covers. The last thing I wanted to do right now was go to school and face my first day at a new school. It was senior year, everyone else will know what they are doing, where they are going and who they are going to hang out with. Im going to be so lost, I wonder how many times I get mistaken as a freshman. As I thought about the dreadful day ahead I realized I had got lost in my own mind. 

D: Liza??!!? 

D: LIZA??! 

L: Oh my god sorry what was I even doing again? 

D: Shutting off your alarm and getting ready for school, your gonna be late and I think your blaring alarm has been trying to tell you that for the past 20 min. 

Twenty Min.?!!??? Did he just say that? I still don't even know what to wear, I tried to find a outfit last night but then got too stressed out and now i'm really regretting that...

Finally I found a cute but casual outfit perfect for the day ahead, not that I will be talking to many people anyways, i'm showing up and leaving as soon as I can without anything tragic happening (hopefully). 

I slapped some makeup on a grabbed my backpack and a granola bar and ran out the door. 

M: Bye Liza have a great day honey!!!! 

L: Bye Mom I wi-

I cut myself off by slamming the door mid sentence. I didn't really feel like having more conversation about my growing fear for stepping in this school with no friends and looking like a lost puppy. 

I'm walking to school since I don't have a car and I don't need to ride the bus with all the freshman and raise my social sats even more. 

I walk into the school and there are more kids in one place then ive ever seen before. Im breathing heavy and I feel like i'm going to vomit. 

I find a place to sit down on a bench and I go on my phone to look like i'm waiting for someone when we both know that nobody was going to come for me. 

I group of people walked by and a boy with dark brown wavy hair and deep brown eyes smiled at me and I have to admit I felt a little better... 

David Dobrik and Liza KoshyWhere stories live. Discover now