Chapter 1

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        《 Narrator

  It was early morning around 6. Inside their dorm, was the members of EXO, a K-Pop band, and most of them were awake. Most of the members were in EXO-M's dorm. Chen's laughing could be heard throughout the dorm. He had just threw a waterballoon at Chanyeol, who was soaking wet. Luhan and Sehun were on the couch, giggling at what happened to Chanyeol.

  "You pabo!" Chanyeol said with eyes wide open. He glared at Chen, who was laughing his ass off. "Is this what I get for coming into your dorm?"

  "Yeah! Take that as a welcome!" Chen said with one hand over his mouth, laughing hardcore.

  Just then, Chanyeol stood up and punched Chen in the shoulder.

  "Owwwwww!" Chen winced.

  "You deserved it, pabo."

  Just then, Xiumin came into the living room. As soon as he found the mess on the floor, he demanded Chen to clean it up.

  "What the? This mess! Chen, please clean it!" Xiumin glared at him. "We just cleaned the dorm yesterday!"

  "Fine..." Chen slowly got up from his chair and went ahead to clean up the water and the remaining,  broken pieces of the waterballoon.

  Just then, Tao, Suho,D.O and Kris came into the room.

  "Dude, you guys just woke me up. You guys should shut up." Kris said.

  "I heard all the yelling. What's wrong?" The leader of EXO-K asked sternly.

  "Chen just threw a water balloon at me," Chanyeol said. He was in front of the aircon, wanting to dry up his clothes.

  "Chen! What is up with the water balloons? You threw one at me yesterday also!" Kris exclaimed.

  "Well, I'm doing you guys a favor by cooling you guys down." Chen said as he picked up the last piece.

  "Why don't you throw one at yourself?" Sehun asked with a smirk on his face.

  Chen remained quiet, his face was red with embarrassment, and proceeded to the trash bin.

  There was a knock on the door.

  "Who is it?" Sehun asked.

  "It's me, Kai."

  D.O rushed to the door and opened it. Kai came into the dorm, accidentally bumping into Chen who was throwing the balloon pieces away.

  "Oui, watch where you're going." Kai said, even though he was the one that had to apologize to Chen.

  "Oh! I almost forgot, we have to go to practice today." Luhan said. His head was rested on Sehun's shoulder.

  "Oh yeah... At what time?" Tao asked, looking at his watch.

  "8:00" Luhan answered.

  "Well, it's 6:23. We should get ready." Tao said.

  "Baekhyun and Lay are still sleeping?" Suho asked.

  "Baekhyun is. I just saw him sleeping in the room back in our dorm. I don't know about Lay through..."  Kai said.

  "Ugh, what have they been doing last night?" Suho asked.

  "You know~ The lovey, dov..." Chen smirked when he returned to the room. He couldn't finish his sentence because D.O smacked him. "Ow, I was just kiding!"

  "Well, I'm going to wake Baekhyun and Lay up." Tao said. "Can I have the key to EXO-K's dorm?"

  "Yeah." D.O handed the key to Tao.

  Tao went outside into EXO-K's dorm. He entered, went into the slightly dark hallway, into Baekhyun's room. Immediately, he heard Baekhyun's snores. He went to the lamp and turned on the light. There, he spotted Baekhyun lying on his bed snoring. He picked up a pillow and threw it at Baekhyun. Baekhyun immediately jolted up from his bed, looking around at his surroundings.

  "Who's there?!?" Baekhyun yelled. He stared at Tao. "Oh, it's just you."

  "Well, since you're awake now, you should start getting ready." Tao said. "We have to go practice. The rest are at our dorm"

  "Oh okay..."

  Tao went back into EXO-M's dorm. He continued on into Lay's bedroom which was at the end of the hall. Lay slept alone because of his health. If he got a single cut during the night, he could die because of his Hemophilia. Tao entered the bedroom. It was very dim inside. (There's no windows in his room.)

  "Lay?" Tao stepped into the dark room. There was no noise at all. " The other members are worried about you... And we have to go to practice. You should wake up."

  Silence. Just the eerie silence. Was he even here?

  "Lay, I'm not joking. Please come out now." Tao trembled as he walked slowly in the room. He was heading for the lamp to brighten up the dim room. He prepared himself for any jump scares. If Lay scared him, he was definitely going to kill him. As he slowly walked towards the lamp, a weird odor was lingering in the air.


  What the hell? What in the world was that? Tao looked down at the floor to see what he stepped on. But yet, it was too dark for him to see. He reached towards the lamp switch and turned on the light.

  Just as the light turned on, Tao screamed.


  The light revealed Lay's body, dead and pale, laying on a pool of blood. His mouth was covered with duct tape. His hands was tied behind his back, while his legs were tied together as well. Lay's back was turned to Tao, showing a huge tear in his clothes. But that, wasn't any tear. It was an " X " shaped tear,  large and bloody at the same time. There was no doubt that Lay died of blood loss because of his Hemophilia. This was no accident, obviously. This was a murder.

  A betrayal. But the question is:

  Who murdered him?


  Haha! Hey! How do you like the chapter? Lay died, woah! (Knock on wood) I wonder who killed him...Hmmm.Sorry I had to make him die so fast... But he'll play an important part later on~

  Who is the killer? Who do you think killed him? Will somebody die again?

  ☆Comments, Votes, and Follows are GREATLY appreciated~★


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