Righting the Wrongs

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Warning: this is anti-Hook and doesn't portray him in a very nice light. You've been warned!

Righting the Wrongs

The Underworld

The instant his lips touched hers, Snow realized why David was suddenly wearing different clothes. Because it wasn't David at all. The kiss was nothing like how her husband kissed her. There was nothing behind it, no emotion or love like she felt with Charming. Even normal kisses for them felt like magic and she always felt her heart flutter when his lips touched hers. This man may have looked exactly like her husband, but he was a sad imitation.

"James," she hissed, as their lips parted.

"Mmm...I can see why my brother likes you. Tell Dave there's a new Sheriff in town," James said, as he quickly made his way to the back of the diner. She felt her husband behind her before she saw him.

"Was that my brother?" he asked, seeing the retreating form.

"Yes..." Snow replied. She was about to say more when they heard another voice.

"Snow? David?" a voice asked. They turned to see Neal sitting in a booth, looking horrified that they were there.

"Neal..." Snow uttered.

"God...you guys are here..." he said, as he started to panic. Her eyes widened.

"Oh no...we're not dead," she assured.

"What? Then how..." Neal uttered, as the rest of their group piled into the diner.

"Dad!" Henry called. Neal was pretty sure he'd be having a heart attack if he wasn't already dead.

"Henry...why are you here? Emma, why is he here in the Underworld?" Neal started to panic.

"We...we came to find Hook. It's a long story...but he shouldn't have died," Emma squeaked. Neal rolled his eyes.

"That pirate has been cheating death for the better part of two hundred years," Neal replied.

"I love him," Emma said defensively.

"So you had to drag our son and your parents here?" he exclaimed.

"They're here for Hook too!" Emma claimed, but then saw the look her parents exchanged.

"Mom...Dad...you're agree with me, right? You're here to help Hook too," she said. David sighed.

"Emma...we love you. We're here for you...because you need us," David confessed.

"Honey...the only thing that would get us to leave your little brother is if it was something to help you," Snow said. Honestly, they had hated this whole idea from the beginning, but they were afraid of Emma rejecting them again if they didn't agree to help her.

"But Hook..." she uttered.

"Tried to kill us all," David interrupted.

"Why doesn't that surprise me. What the hell have I missed?" Neal muttered.

"Much..." another voice said. Neal turned and smiled at his father.

"Papa..." he said.

"Bae..." Rumple replied, as they embraced. Henry shared a smile with his grandparents. Seeing Henry this happy again was worth the trip down here. They were only hoping Emma could see it too. Maybe this would help her let the pirate go. Snow and David knew true love when they saw it, they practically personified it themselves, after all. What Emma had with Neal had been true love. What she had with Hook wasn't.

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