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Prim's Outfit: 

The door to the Halliwell Manor opens, and out steps Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Prim

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The door to the Halliwell Manor opens, and out steps Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Prim. Phoebe turns around and closes the door before walking back over to her sisters, all of them slowly descending down the stone steps, and towards the house across the street that was pulsing with loud music, blaring lights and different people moving in and out of the open doorway at the front of the house.

"So, we're agreed? Twenty minutes?" Prue asks placing her keys in her purse before glancing up and staring into each of her sister's eyes for a second before facing forwards once again.

Piper shakes her head with a disbelieving smile on her pretty features. "Prue, you can't do a party in twenty minutes."

"Watch me." Prue says with determination.

Phoebe snorts before opening her mouth to spew out a sarcastic comment, "Prue's party tips - meet, greet and bail."

"Hey, I'm sorry but some of us have a job." Prue protests with a frown.

Prim shakes her head sadly. "Please don't rub it in." Prim pouts, obviously not having had any luck in finding a job at the current time.

"You haven't found a job yet?" Prue asks sounding more scolding than curious. Prim's head drops so that the only thing in her line of view was the sidewalk. Piper sends Prue a look, silently telling her to be more understanding. "I mean, why haven't you found a job yet?" Prue quickly corrects her mistake with a softer tone.

"I have had multiple interviews, but all of the bosses are either creeps or pervs. One guy tried to make me have sex with him for the job." Prim complains with a wrinkle of her nose at the thought of her latest interview.

"What did you do?" Phoebe asks with a scowl, obviously not liking the information that she had just been told by her baby sister, and after taking a quick glance over at Piper and Prue, they obviously feel the same way.

Prim suddenly looks sheepish. "I mighta, accidentally, maybe set him on fire." Prim mumbles under her breath, obviously hoping that her older sisters didn't hear her, but from the surprised shouts that echo around her, her plan didn't work.

"You what?" Piper, Prue and Phoebe all shout with surprise, they are all happy that she stood up for herself, but not on account of grand arson.

"It wasn't my fault. I still don't have a lot of control over my powers, and I was freaking out and panicking and he was just suddenly on fire!" Prim defends herself with wide eyes and hurried hand gestures.

"Oh we don't blame you sweetie," Piper says with a sigh.

"He wasn't hurt though, the only thing hurt was his butt ugly tan Armani suit." Phoebe chokes out a laugh, nodding her head with a smirk.

"And some of us have fun." Phoebe says, getting the sisters back on topic.

"And some of us are having a really bad hair day." Piper cuts into the conversation, obviously trying to cut through the thick tension that the conversation about the fun and the jobs caused.

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