"Conversations With My Fellow TPATH Fan Friend!" 😂

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The Wrong Thing To Do - Mudcrutch (Live)


Hold your actual tits! Thats tom petty playing bass! Am i drunk or seeing things? Yea i preemptively looked it up

A hah! The link you sent is what i just watch it

But he was playing bass doh!.. I like it cause i play bass I like you woman you like nice things and are. you're you just.. Ugh you make me smile. I will plead no contest if lovins you a crime

[He has a thing for me, but I just see him as my friend]

Yes that was pre-Heartbreakers he actually played bass first (and saxophone, harmonica, organ, piano...) then picked up guitar still plays bass they're all multi-instrumentalists actually the guy on guitar on the left plays all kinds of guitars He even had a mandolin!!

Well if you play guitar you can easily play bass. But not so much the other way around, least not that easily. My hats off to anyone who can sing and play cause that's wayyy harder than you think. Like when i play i can't talk but that's also how you learn to do so. Have a conversation while you're playing

Lol yeah concentration is key I know I took to piano easy but when people talk its like stahp!! Hah I think it's funny cause everyone goes oh that musician only knows guitar or bass or drums and you're over here like Hah! Oh ye of little research!! XD didja even Stevie plays more than just tambourine she's plays guitar and piano

Yeah you wouldn't expect that multi talented skill with most people. But that's also the beauty of it. The surprise

I know right and now I look up their repertoire before saying what kinda instrumentalist they are... Hah I've lately been getting into Todd Rungren x of course Mudcrutch (It's a good band I don't just like it cause it has Tom, Mike, x Ben they're literally great!)

Welcome To Hell - Mudcrutch


Can we just take a moment and say mudcrutch together......... Mudcrutch haha you stay in that old stuff don't you

Ish old ish lol

They may be old but they just recently released an album in 2014 as well as The Heartbreakers.. Two albums in one year how's that for awesome? (I messed up it was one in 2014 x one in 2016 but they toured one year after another)

K like guitar and singing is hard.. But you go piano and or drums and sing! It get real fuckin stupid at that point. Welcome to hell is what practicing that is gonna feel like lol. Tis way harder fuck mu brain hurts even thinking about it stop it lol

It is awesome! No doubt here lol. I've always liked petty. Hes extra awesome cause he's on king of the hill

Oh my god is he?! I thought that was just a meme!! He's on King of the fucking hill?! O.o Well shit, learn things everyday... Gotta see this Hah! You said you didn't like him! XD indecisive fucker! Jk jk!! Hah you gotta see this!


Wait I think I showed you this.. ooops!!

Way way wait i didn't like whom? Yeah tom petty does the voice for lucky on king of the hill. I've liked petty for years ya doof haha I've listened to his gteatest hits whilst slaying terrorists in rainbow six for like months during fuck sometime in high school lol

I have not scent dat also cool. And for the record no worries if you did i probably sent you the same things before but forgot about it lol

Dude I grew up with KOTH I didn't know this!! O.o Well ya said before you didn't wanna like him XD lol It's a funny link only 3 mins but gold I tell you XD

So did i haha and omg i never said that! I've always liked tom petty since like forever. For reals he was my shit in i think it was 10th grade maybe 9.. I was really girly looking in 9th lol. Anyway how did youuuu not know petty was lucky! o.O

Tell ya fwhat

Tom petty, silly willy walnut head

*sends picture of Lucky*

I didn't know he played Lucky sheesh!! Hah I'm gonna watch it again my mom even knows Tom played Lucky am I the only one who didn't know?! O.o

Ummmmm yes hahaha womp womp



Hey in my defense I didn't watch that show till I got a bit older and at least I knew who the character was XD

Yea yea you get half credit lol i haven't watched koth in years. My brother lives by it. Im bout to watch little evil where this guys step son is basically the devil. Looks funny cause well tis comedy

Yeah! Half credits betrer than no credit lol and Awesome I found a cover version of Hang On Sloopy sung by Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers ya know that song that goes... "Haaaaang on sloopy, sloopy hang on yeah!"

I wanna say yes that sounds familiar. But is sloopy the correct lyric cause i always said snoopy 

Snoopy was the rated version for kids being it's an adult song so everyone thought oh shit we'll change the lyric to snoopy make it kid friendly while he's playing pilot... it's really Sloopy and pretty sexual 

Ohhhhh well that makes sense then

See if you can beat this challenge XD 

College Kids React To Try Not To Sing Along Challenge #2


I totally win lol free fallin almost got me but nnnah i win!

*sends me Dead Alewives - Total Recallin'*

You'll never sing it the same again 

Total reeeeaheeeee reee callin! Haha i can't wait till you watch this. You must watch

Total recallin' is this like a parody of free fallin' s total recall? 

Yesssssssss hahaha


Hah someone just put on tom petty American girl at the bar. The petty rises

I was listening to that just yesterday exploring the woods XD

What you just said litterally is the best sentence ever!


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