Date Night

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After settling in a bit Em and I left and headed to the grill one of our favorite place to eat in rosewood.The whole time Emily was bouncing in her seat excitedly holding onto my hand between her legs she looked like a kid in a candy store.

Al:"Em, calm down you've only been away a year" she turns to me and smiles

Em:"I know i'm just so happy to be home with you" she raises our intertwined hands and kisses my knuckles I laugh lightly she pulls my hand away and rest it back on her lap and calmed down slightly but still bouncing up and down

God she's adorable

We pulled up to the grill and parked our car Emily lets go of my hand and gets out of the car she runs over to my side and opens the door offering her hand. I place my hand over my chest.

Al: "Such a gentleman" I say sarcastically she smiled and I took her hand she lead me out of the car and slammed the door we walked to the front entrance hands latched together she opened the door and we walked in.I go to the front and place our names down the waitress calls us and we walk to our table.

W:"What can I get y'all"she says in a country ascent

Em:"Can I get a medium pop please" she scribbles it down.

Al: "Can I get a strawberry lemonade please" She nods and walks off I turn to Emily and smile

Em:"What"she says with a soft chuckle

Al:"Oh nothing just you"I say she blushes and looks down at the table a single brown lock falls in front of her eyes I pull it behind her ear forcing her to look up a bright pink blush on her olive skin.I smile again I've been doing that a lot lately hu.I lean over the table and give her a soft kiss on the lips she smiles into it and we pull away.

The waitress returned with our drinks and we ordered our food Emily got a cheeseburger with fries,I got a cob salad with grilled chicken.Emily also ordered a strawberry milkshake for later the waitress scurries off and we continue talking she told me about boot camp and how she had made friends with this really nice guy named Corties she also talked about this creepy drill sergeant and how she's such a flirt.I'm not going to lie but once she started talking about this Harvey chick my blood boil a little but it was soon replaced with small kisses on the cheek and gentle knuckle rubs I called down.

Our food arrived and our conversation turned into chewing and light flirting I love it I would sometimes steal a fries from her plate or I would feed her so yeah we where that couple but we didn't care once we finished we returned to talking.

Em:"So I got a text from my mom today"

Al:"Yeah what did it say?" 

Em:"She wants us to come over for dinner tomorrow and meet her new boyfriend Danny"She frowned a bit at the end I reached over and grabbed her hand.

Al:"Hey it's going to be okay baby"

Em:"I know love it's just,I never thought anyone else would be with my mom other than my dad ya know"

Al:"Yeah but people move on and grow"

Em:"okay"I kiss her forehand and decide to lighten the mood by telling some stupid jokes and she soon brightened up and smiles again our table was cleared and we soon got our milk shake Emily thanks her.the waitress left and I noticed there where no spoons.

Al:"Wait we don't have"I looked over to Emily she smiled and lifted up to straws she hands me one with a small smirk on her lips I took it from her.

Al:"you are so cheesy Em"

Em:"I know but you love me"I smiled

Al: "True, true"She smiled once more and slid her straw into the the drink I follow and we sip the drink together.

Man today has been the best day of my life and I will never forget it I love having my Em back


Yay I updated!!!!

I am so sorry about that guys I was in a rut with this story and I have been really busy with school and my other stories I promise I will update SO MUCH MORE.I already know where this is going so just stay with me.

If there are any Clexa or the 100 fans reading this I have two stories I think you'll like I am also working on new stuff for the 100 as well as long with these two.

I can't wait till season 5 comes out next year!!!

I love you all <3 <3-Cece

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