Chapter 1- Leaving Early

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"Delaney get your head in the game! You're stronger than this," my dad yelled at me a couple feet away in his fighting stance, the same one he had taught me. I picked myself up off of the grass covered ground and shook my head to clear my thoughts.

He's right Delaney, straighten up. You took out Ross and Kellan yesterday with no problem. I thought to myself. Although two of the warriors I trained myself didn't count against the one that trained me, my dad and the beta of the Black Lightning pack.

He knew every move I would make because I learned them from him. My wolf was strong, but he was stronger. He was the best fighter around and everybody knew it. It's times like these I wish he wasn't though, so I could whip his ass.

Dad smirked at me and said, "Come on Princess. You can do it". He knew I hated that nickname and it lit a fuse in me. I smirked back, took two steps towards him, and lunged.

I caught him by surprise with my quick attack, but it only threw him off for a second before he shook it off and started his own attack. He grabbed me by my arm and flung me a few feet away, but I landed on my feet, thanks wolf reflexes. I jumped off my feet and onto him. He crashed into a tree and I knew it was over.

I hopped up wiping the dirt and grass from my training shorts and old camp t-shirt. "I win, Princess," I sang. Take that beta.

Dad got up and chuckled, "I have to give it to ya kid, that was pretty good. I wasn't expecting that quick reaction time. Good training today".

"Thanks dad," I replied while walking towards the pack house, not giving him a second glance. I'm sure he was going to his office to do beta duties anyways. Training was the only time I ever see him really.

I guess it wouldn't be so bad if mom was still here. But, she wasn't. I missed her so much. Not that my dad wasn't great, because he was, but a girl just needs her mom.

I entered the chaos of the pack house with kids chasing each other around the living room and teenagers playing videogames on the flat screen. Just another day in the pack house.

The adults have a choice of whether they stay in the pack house or get their own house on pack territory. Most just chose to live in the pack house, so their kids would be around other kids and if something bad happened, they knew the pack house was the first place that was protected.

Dad and I, of course, lived in the pack house because he was the beta. The alpha, beta, and delta families usually stayed in the pack house. Since they all have offices and meet regularly, it just made sense.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, gulping it down in one chug. Grabbing a poptart out the pantry and took the stairs two at a time up to the second floor. Then, the second set of stairs to the third floor, where the ranking werewolves stayed.

The pack house was huge, it was a mansion really. The first floor was elder bedrooms, ranking werewolf offices, the kitchen, three living rooms, dining room, utility room, theater room, and countless bathrooms. The second floor was just mulitple hallways full of bedrooms and bathrooms, while the third floor consisted of the ranking werewolves' bedrooms and bathrooms.

Once on the third floor, I walked down the narrow hallway to my bedroom. Stepping into my closet, I grabbed a simple t-shirt and shorts before going to the bathroom and straight into the shower.

After washing my hair and my body I stood under the hot stream of water for a few minutes just thinking.

Ah shit, I forgot to check my e-mail. I was waiting on an e-mail from the beta of the Dark Thunder pack, Zeke. He told me yesterday that their pack needed some help in training and since our pack warriors are elite, thanks to me, he wanted me to train them.

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