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Hello otakus from around da world!!
Here is my update^^
Naruko's pov

*knock knock knock*
Huh? Five more minutes please! Whoever it is
*knock knock knock knock*
C'mon! Five more minutes!

"S-sakuro-chan!! What was that for!!??"- Naruko
"That is for making me knock for ten minutes. Now move your butt and go to the hokage's office. Tsunadu-sama has a mission for you."- Sakuro
Yea yea watever
I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. After that I brushed my teeth and got dressed. Ew my clothes still smell like girly perfume.

"Hey old man Tsunadu!!"-Naruko
"Shut up!! I'm not old!!"- Tsunadu
"Yea yea watever you still look old"-Naruko
"*sighs in annoyance* okay I will give you a mission outside the village. But Tenth will come with you. You two will bring a scroll and then give it to the Mizukage. (S:Tenth as in 'Ten ten' I'm sorry if it sounds weird to you)
And by saying that Tenth came in
She looks so handsome in this world...
Wait. Why am I saying that? Baka.
"So glad to work with you Naruko-chan"- Tenth
I just nodded as a response

Timeskip (Tenth and Naruko are now outside Konoha)

Ugh its too cold in here!!!
I didnt expect this!!!!
It's just this short!!!
I look at Tenth who is kinda stunning..
Wait. did i just say 'Stunning'!?
No. Never in hell.

"Yo. You okay?"-Tenth
"Ya sure?"
"Really sure?"

"I don't think you are okay.."-Tenth
What? Is something wrong!?? Am I messy??? Or he is also disgusted of the girly smell???
"Do you have a fever" he said as he leaned closer to me.
Oh God. My cheek is warming up.
"We should stop here for a while then"- Tenth
"O-ok" why da heck am I shuttering!?
"Sit there for a while" he said pointing to a tree's big root.
I sitted as I watched him set our tents
Gosh why do I feel this way?? What is this feeling?? Why am I saying such things!!?? I thought.

"You may rest now, Naruko-chan" he said after a moment of silence
"S-sure" aaggh! Why am I still shuttering! !??
I got inside my tent. I got so tired that I fell asleep instantly.

Timeskip at midnight

??? Pov

I have finally completed my group.
But what should I call it??
Hmmm.... what about.. Hebi?
Yea Hebi will nice
"What are you thinking over there Satsuki-chan???" *sighs* Karl has been too annoying (S:'Karl' as in 'Karin' haha sorry for some confusions) these days.
"Don't annoy her, Karl. Maybe he is thinking something serious"-Ju (S:'Ju' as in Jugo. What? I'm just informing ya! ^-^)
"Anyways, we have to move. Follow me"-Satsuki
"Ya heard her Karl? Move not flirt okayyy???"- Sui (S: sorry if sometimes I will just shorten the character's names....)
"Grrr.. I wasn't flirting!!! Maybe you got want me to 'flirt' you???"-Karl
"Yuck. Never gonna happen. Just look at your face, you look sooo pathetic. You need some makover"-Sui
"*punches Sui's head* YOU JERK!!???
Hmph! Me being handsome doesn't rank your uglyness. And what I said earlier, that was just a joke. Cuz I'm never gonna flirt a ugly-sword-addic like you!!!"-Karl (S: ow. That must've hurt for Sui a lot.)
"Say what!? I'm a lady!!! I have my rights to tell you that I am not an ugly-sword-addic!!!"- Sui
"Oh really!? Wow scares me a lot!!! I ju-" "STOP IT OR I WILL KILL YOU BOTH." I cutted them off. Giving them glares. I wasn't joking. I was really gonna kill them if they didn't stop

Timeskip (Team Hebi passed Naruko and Tenth's tents)

Who own those tents??
I thought as I checked who was inside.
Wait. Is that...."Naruko?" "Five more minutes pleeese! Still sleepy ťtebane!!!" Shit. Did I said it that loud!? "Wait. S-SATSUKI-CHAN!!!??"


So that's it my fellow narutards!!!
It's a total of 681 words!
Till next time!!!

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