6. Love

30 17 13

Visiting me was your habit,


At the riverside in the night,

We went sleepless.

You kissed my bare shoulders

The moon was shining

And justifying our love for each other

The riverside was dazzling with

The light of moon,

You slowly moved your fingers down my hand,

I gasped at the moment

When you bent on one knee

And kissed my palm,

You looked into my eyes from under your thick eyelashes,

"Hey love! You know I am not good with words unlike you."

I giggled at that. He then continued,

"Will you give me the honor, to take care of you cherish you and spoil you by giving up your surname for me?"

My heart welded and I just couldn't smile at you

I cried and jumped on you and kissed you saying 'Yes'

This is the moment I dreaded the most even after the 25 years we have spent together.

©Shruti xx

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