the party

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Rukky pov..
Ding! Ding! Ding!..
Finally school is over m so tired. Immediately I got home yesterday I slept off after doing my chemistry homework I was so tried nd frustrated. All because of baron James the schools biggest player I snort and think wats  so special about it anyway.. Well apart from his dirty blonde hair nd captivating eyes..i got angry wit my self instantly he kept clouding my thoughts and it's so annoying.i was on my way out when I heard my name I turned back to see who was calling my name thinking it was one of my friends den a handsome guy came  running after me den he got to me and said "hi rukky" he was acting rilli strange as if he was nervous den he said one of our class mate was throwing a housewarming party and asked if I was going I don't rilli go to parties but I thought this would give me an opportunity to get to know more pple so I smiled at him and said " sure y nat" den he smiled and shyly asked if he could get my number I just thought he wanted to be friends so I gave him he smiled again and said "see you around" den he ran off den I headed home with all thoughts off baron out off my head..

Sorry for the late update as been busy with exams.. Love you alll 🌸🌷

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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