Part 9

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Breakfast was served like almost an hour ago, when I woke up mom wasn't there, I was going to ask Laura but when I see her still snuggling with her teddy bear, and yes, she is still sleeping.

It's kind of odd, mom seems kind of busy this past week, don't ask dad, he is always busy. Poor Laura she is always alone spending her Saturday night with nobody. I take a fresh box of milk from the freezer, I never know that there's also this fancy machine to make your breakfast. Well, I think dad didn't let us use it. Even my dad didn't let us use luxury. But Allen oh God that boy sacrifice a lot of luxury for an ordinary like me.

It's almost seven o'clock I am going to be late to school, the driver is already waiting for me downstairs. I got to wake Laura, she is going to be late.I walk toward her room, I remember she is the one who used to woke me up in the morning, did she wake all night last night?, I don't think that's a typical of Laura.

Her brunette hair is so messy, "Laura, wake up dear" I say softly, then I start to shake her hand a little. She didn't respond, Her hair is all over her face so I brush it back. Then somehow I feel her forehead, " Laura, I think you better stay at home today, I won't go to school too, I better call mom" I say my voice is raising. she finally awakes, her eyes are watery and red, that's what happen when she got a high fever. "I am fine sis, you better go to school, yesterday I was fine with this fever, I am sure mom won't be home anytime soon either" She replies hoarsely. "This fever is from yesterday?!, Laura you've got to be kidding me, I am taking you to the hospital, why didn't you tell mom yesterday?" I ask

She shook her head "she was to busy, mom and dad, they're having a honeymoon, I won't bother them, they look so happy" She says "this is messed up Laura, now I am going to take your breakfast, promise me you are going to eat a lot" I say while getting up from the bed "I don't feel like eating" Laura says while pursing her lips "then we are going to the hospital" I demand. "Not that either"She resists. "Did you ate too many happy pills?" I say furrowing my eyebrows. She giggles "maybe, hey sis I've met Allen Evander, for like the second time!" she says somehow she just forget about her sickness.

"Yeah, Allen told me," I say while taking Laura's breakfast "I never knew you guys are that close, are you dating Allen?" Laura says. "NO!" my voice raising while glowering at Laura. "Calm down sis, I was just asking, anyway what's the breakfast today?" she says "it's sandwiches, but I don't think you'll like it," I say while looking at the plate of sandwiches

"Nah, is fine at least I eat the inside," Laura says "who likes the bread anyway" I laugh while giving the plate in front of her. "Enjoy, and I am going to text my driver that I am not going to school," I say. Laura nods while taking out the beef from the sandwich. I search for my phone, trying to remember the last time I put it. Then I see a glimmering light from the pantry, I guess is my phone case, well yea it is.

Then I open it and quickly text the driver, after that, I see yesterday's notifications, is Allen he already replied about the one video I've sent him

-----------------IN TEXT----------------------------

Allen: OH MY GOSH AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH, is that what you and Reagan we're laughin' about?

Ashlynn: YES AHAHAHHA, more like I am the one who is laughing, is funny right?

Allen: well YES, but Ashlynn class is starting are you going to be late or something?

Ashlynn: No, I am not going to school today, Laura is having a high fever, and my mom and dad is not at home, and not going to be home anytime soon.

Allen: That sounds bad, don't worry I'll come to visit you and bring some medicine after school, Bye Ashlynn, send my regards to Laura tell her to get well soon.

Ashlynn: Really? you don't have to though okay, see ya Al!

Allen: See ya Ash...


Then I walk to Laura's room she already finishes the inside of her sandwiches, her grey eyes looking at me "you look so happy, what did just happen?" Laura says "Owh, Is Allen he told you to get well soon, and he is coming here after school," I say. Laura's eyes widen "No way! your charming boyfriend is coming here?!" Laura gapes

"No, not my boyfriend" I frown. Laura smiles suspiciously at me and winking a couple of times. "Stop it" I blush "Laura I want you to take some rest, and you need to drink!" I insist while running to the pantry and pouring water inside a mug. I walk slowly to Laura's room and give the water to her. "Yes, doctor" Laura sighs and she gulps the water. Her face is kind of ashen, but her eyes are still her fresh-looking eyes, I could say she is healthy when I stare into her eyes.

After Laura has a little chat with me, she decides to take a nap so when she woke up she could meet Allen. Then it's just me now who is awake, at first I am still stunned with my phone, I play with it for about an hour then I got dreadfully bored, Then I start to walk around this apartment. I know I am not allowed but somehow I am into-my father's room. Surprisingly dad didn't lock it, maybe he forgot to lock it.

His room is unusually messy, scratch paper everywhere, some of them we're just scribble. Then I found a bracelet. I am so shocked, but an EO wasn't allowed to take them off, even Allen said it will explode, I don't know if he is joking but his tone is sober. I try to take a look at the bracelet, I was afraid to touch it at first, but my curiosity makes me do anything. So I hold it on my hand, I remember dad got about 500, then I try to turn the bracelet. My eyes widen "1000?!" I am so shocked. No one has ever made it to 1000, no one. Who owned this bracelet must be a remarkably extraordinary person. 

Who Owned It?

Could it be his?

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