The Monster Under The Bed

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Prompt: A child is home alone when their house is broken into. Alone, except for the monster under their bed. 

Prompt Credit to @writing.prompt.s on Instagram.

I heard the doorknob rattle before they shattered the glass above it. I was watching Netflix when this all happened. My first instinct: go upstairs. I quickly and quietly ran up the stairs just as the door opened. I watched from the balcony as two men dressed as UPS delivery workers walked into my house. My gut told me to hide in my room, under my bed. Of course that was the first place they would look, but I was certain I'd be safe. I hurried into my room and shimmied into the space under my bed. I expected to be covered in dust, but I wasn't. I heard a low rumbling and was surrounded by warmth.

"What is wrong my pet?" a low voice purred.

"Robbers," I said. I reached out to hold onto them and was met with thick, coarse fur that smelled of petrichor. They always knew how to calm me. I heard thundering footsteps coming up the stairs. I grabbed a fistful of their fur and squeezed my eyes shut. 

"Oi! Luther! I think there's something in here!" a menacing male voice called. I heard their low, protective rumbling and knew something bad was going to happen. I heard the two men enter my room. I heard older knees crack as they kneeled onto the ground. I heard the quiet rustling of my blanket being pulled away to look under the bed. The warmth surrounding me disappeared and I heard the screams of the men. I heard crunches and they were silenced. I opened my eyes and saw the black mass standing out in the open. They lowered her head to crawl under the bed. Their blood red eyes inspected mine.

Are you okay?

I nodded and crawled out from under the bed. I watched as my monster returned to their position under the bed.


A/N: This was actually really fun to write. I hope you enjoyed the short story! Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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