January 28th, 2009

12 1 0

Day two: here we go.

I guess the only major difference between today and yesterday is that yesterday we were in New Mexico, today, Texas.

Touring is probably my favorite part of the job. It's cool seeing the country. Seeing how different everywhere else is compared to home. I mean, I should probably state for the record that there are hardly any downsides to the job at all. Twenty-three, and I make money going from state to state, playing guitar and partying with the same dudes I've basically been living with for the past two years.

The parties were always insane, too. Still to this day, I couldn't tell you how many crazy tour parties I've partaken in, or how many mornings I woke up still wasted, or how many nights I played on stage completely shit-faced drunk, but surely enough for fifteen lifetimes. Mike was the madness behind each one. Jaime and him always joke around after a certain level of drunk, and the both of them refer to Mike as MikeyWhiskeyHands after a few too many pulls from the bottle. Vic and I just laugh, but according to the two when they're drunk and slurring, they've got some type of side project brewing.

My mom is the only one who doesn't agree with the lifestyle. Her infamous last words before I leave for tour always being "Remember your mother and sister, and why you come back." Translation: don't die because you're the primary breadwinner. It wasn't always like that of course, but after my dad died and all, which I'm sure will be a story written when I'm drunk enough, it was a role I was reluctant to fill.

According to my mom, from what she's seen of me drinking, she believes I drink to forget, which is entirely false. I drink to get drunk. The same as everyone else on tour. For the good time, rather than an actual preset, preplanned purpose.

Mike and I are probably the biggest drinkers. Vic is too small, gets drunk way too easily. Jaime, although not the smallest, is also drunk after not much. Mike and I are quite the opposite, and can easily kill bottles without so much as a second thought. It's just easy. Hold your breath, drink as much as possible in one go, finish the rest in the second and third. It's also the lifestyle. Touring without partying is like an ice cream truck without Bomb Pops; pointless. I mean, playing for the fans is the main reason for tour, but for the mental sake of every band and crew member stuffed into a small bus, nightly parties are nearly a must.

Anyways, back to the point. Texas. Texas was always cool, and we always play our biggest shows here, besides California. In both states, we normally play actual venues while places like Arizona, we play clubs, which isn't all that bad, but almost anyone would take a venue over a club any day.

I dunno. At this point I'm rambling. Daily updates are pointless. Venues over clubs. I'll end up shit faced. That's it for now.

Later, I guess? Even though that's lame as hell to read back to yourself.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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