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Valkyrie and Skulduggery sat in the car, in silence, for once. Valkyrie tapped her fingers on her leg awkwardly.

"So," She murmured, an Idea hitting her "Is it just me or do you smell upsexy?" Skulduggery's head turned towards her a fraction.

"Excuse me?" He said sounding bemused.

"I said do you smell upsexy." Valkyrie repeated, a smile in her voice. Skulduggery tilted his head.

"And what the hell is that?" He asked, starting to sound confused. Valkyrie didn't answer, she seemed oblivious he'd spoken. Then after a few seconds she turned to him,

"Sorry what did you say?" She asked, like she'd just realised he'd asked something.

"I said!" He growled "What's upsexy?"

"Not much, you?" She answered, a triumphant grin spread across her face. Skulduggery froze, realising what he'd just said. Then he tilted his head, smiling.

"Well played Cain." He chuckled.

"Thank You Pleasant."

Valduggery GoodnessWhere stories live. Discover now