Paradise (SS)

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MM One Shots (SS)

Saeran(Unknown) x Seven(Saeyoung)

As Seven tried to trace the hacker and block him, an alarm suddenly went off. Seven stiffened, but soon later he went to check the security cameras for the apartment, no one except MC. He sighed with relief, but soon became alarmed again.

He doesn't know why the alarm had went off, but his instinct tells him that it's not something good.

After a few minutes, the alarm died down, but Seven still kept awareness for what is going on.

It's just then when he saw the flashing red WARNING on his computer screen.

"Oh god! It's the hacker again!" Seven hurried towards his computer and waited for the WARNING to go off his screen so he can actually work again.

As he waited, he checked his security systems, then saw that many layers of his protection has been hacked and broken down.

"What the hell is this?!" Seven raged while trying to fix all these protection systems, he is worried that something might happen to the members in RFA.

After he fixed the first layer of protection, he heard a loud sound, like something breaking, then not long after, a man with white hair and blue eyes appeared in front of Seven.

"Luciel...long time no see."

"Why are you here...?" Seven backed away a little.

"Why? To take you to the land of dreams with no lies nor tears and everyone would be happy."

"No, that is not, can't you remember anything?!" Seven thrshed his arm at the air.

"No voilence please, but if you going to resist, then I'll have to take you by force." the man moved towards Seven.

"Can't we just talk this through Saeran?" Seven insisted.

"What, and you will come with me?" Saeran asked.

Hearing that, Seven didn't answer, instead, he backed away more.

"Am I really that scary? I just want to take you to the paradise. The paradise is much better than here!" Saeran persuaded, while moving towards Seven little by little.

"Saeran! That is not the best place! What, you think that's all the happiness?"

"....yes, and I always will keep that belief." Saeran answered, then suddenly put a cloth on Seven's mouth.

Seven struggled, but it was no use, there was drug on the cloth. Soon later, Seven's consciousness faded.


When Seven woke up, he felt someone's hand on his face, then only to see Saeran's face right in front of him, and his hands stroking his cheek.

Seven quickly jerked away, "What is this?" he asked, and let his eyes wander around to see his environment. He is on a really big bed with golden decorations around the room. He tried to sit up, but then heard clattering sounds. He looked around, then found himself chained to the post of the bed with handcuffs on his wrists.

"Hmm? This is the paradise that I was saying, you will be here, with me, and you are not allow to abandone me like before!"

"Saeran, what are you talking about?" Seven asked, confused at how Saeran came up with such a conclusion.

"You don't remember? Well, that doesn't matter anymore, you will stay here with me, always, and no one can take you away from me. Not even savior..." as Saeran said that, he suddenly leaned forward to close the distance between himself and Seven. Then Saeran kissed Seven. His tongue invaded Seven's territory, and claimed it as his.

Seven tried to get away below Saeran, but Saeran pinned him hard on the bed, causing Seven to cringe in pain.

"Saeyoung, I will make you feel real good." Saeran promised, but Seven didn't care what he was saying, he just want to get away.

Saeran tightened the chains, so Seven wouldn't be able to move around as much. Then he tried to take Seven's pants off, but only earning a few kicks.

"I told you before didn't I? No violence please." with that said, he continued with his work.

Saeran took both Seven's pants and boxer off, then he looked at Seven's little friend, and began stroking it.

Seven had kept all the moans in, and Saeran isn't too pleased about it.

"Aww, don't be so embarrased about it, let me hear your voice." Saeran insisted, then grabbed Seven's chin, where the moans escaped him.

"Now that's a good boy." Saeran babytalked, and kissed all around Seven's neck, leaving marks everywhere.

"!" Seven tried to push Saeran away, but chains were too short for him to reach Saeran.

Saeran ignored all the requests for stop from Seven, he just kept stroking Seven's member and then finally, Seven came in his hands.

"" Seven asked while breathing heavily.

"Enough? When you only had your fun?" Saeran looked at Seven with his turquoise eyes. Then suddenly he put one finger inside Seven's hole, which is already really slimey, so his finger went in without trouble.

Saeran let out a small laugh, then put another finger in, and accidently hit the sweet spot.

"hnn...Ah! Take it out! Ah...aa....take your finger out" Seven sobbed, while his hip twitching uncontrollably.

Saeran ignored Seven's cries and added another finger in, which gained more cries from Seven. He thrusted a little, but not to much, or Seven will come. Then he took off his pants and pointed his member at Seven's little hole, aimed, and pushed it in.

"AH! Aah! hurts...take it out." Seven pleaded, but instead of gaining a reply from the man on top, another thrust came, hitting his sweet spot once again.

"hnn..ah...Ah!" Seven moaned "What is this..?" Seven asked nobody in particular, "It feels weird..."

"Doesn't it feel good?" Saeran leaned on top of Seven, touching his heated body, "Do you want more?"

Without getting an answer, Saeran thrusted in once again, without stopping, he kept on thrusting.

Seven can hear the moans coming from his own mouth, and the grunts and moans from the man on top. He wanted this to stop, yet it felt so good. He loved the man on top, but this is not the way to express it. This felt wrong to Seven, they are brothers. They are blood connected. (A/N: yeah, and that does not stop them from loving each other...romantically....and it doesn't stop us fangirls shipping you either...*throws OHHC at Saeran", take good look at what you are suppose to do if you love your twin! ;-) )

This kept on going for a long time until Seven lost his consciousness, that's when Saeran stopped.

Saeran might have forced Seven, but he still took good care of him.(A/N: be good and take responsibility.) He cleaned Seven carefully using a towel, and then changed the sheets so Seven can sleep somewhere comfortable and clean.

Saeran also took the chains off, believing that Seven would not run away anymore or abandone him. When that's all done, he carefully put the blancket over Seven, then he slipped in as well.

He watched Seven's sleeping face, and smiled. He would never abandone me again. He will be with me. Forever.

A/N: oh god...first time writing smut..maybe no the first time, last time I tried writing bondage....let's just didn't go too well. Also....the start was shit.
This one hasn't been edited...yet...well, it had been edited, but the edited version is on another device, and I wayyy too lazy to put it you find a loooot of grammar, spelling, puntruation mistakes, now you know why...

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