Study (narusasu fanfic)

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A/N: I do not own Naruto we all know this. Just a dumb Idea I got from listening to Study by Stellar

"Granny, I think I'm in love."

The statement not only threw Tsunade off guard, it made her shock stiff for a moment. The only time Naruto used "love" was loosely, when talking about ramen or joking with friends. She thought it to be a joke, because really? Naruto? In love? Impossible. It's what she thought-until she monitored Naruto's expression. The counternance on the shaking blondes' face was one of seriousness- one alike a congressman. Her own visage twisted up.

Naruto came here for a reason.

"Granny...I need your know if...they love me back. At least like!"

Tsunade took her seat on the couch across from the loveseat the teen jumped on. She leaned against her hand, observing the tan ruffian. Naruto's fingers were laced together, before untwining them and cupping his hands together. Her eyes are unrelenting as she continues to watch him. Naruto scratched his cheek, under the mercy of Tsundae's glare.

He started to get nervous, as he scratched his nose, looking out the tinted window watching Jiraya tend to the garden. Looking at the floor, Naruto looked up and counted the tiles in the ceiling. Anything to escape the glare he's under. 5 more minutes of torturous silence and Naruto was about to speak- until an uproar cutoff his sentence.

Tsunade laughed- throwing the teen off balance with eyes wide as the moon. Her laugh echoed off the wooden walls, and ricocheted around the house. He blushed as she leaned back in her spot, laughing and holding her stomach.

"Shut up, you old hag!"

Naruto jumped from the loveseat in such a vivid manner it almost seemed comical- something you'll find in a manga. He held up his fist, not looking for a fight- just to prove how serious the situation is. He's in love and he's afraid. Love is like a game of Russian roulette, And when it's his turn to pull the trigger, he's afraid. But like every game, there is a loophole.

Why not have the safety on?

That's why the whisker-faced teen is here; to get advice. Being laughed at by the only person he comes to for guidance (other than Jiraya) is worse than being turned down by his previous crush. He stomped his feet on the ground like a spoiled brat "I'm completely, honestly, serious right now!" It's a wonder how one can be taken serious as an teen, when they blush like a child.

"Calm down, you brat." Tsunade's laughter subsided. A motherly smile crept onto her face. "To hear you of all people say 'I'm in love' was hysterical!" Albeit her previous out burst, she motioned for Naruto to sit down in the chair across from her. He obliged, plopping back down, arms folded and a frown on his face.

"Alright. I assume you came for advice?"

"Why else would I be here." Naruto sneered not even caring who was talking to at the moment- not until a sandal came flying at face. He ducked, yelling out a 'what the hell!' As it flies and hit the incoming Jiraya.

"Don't get smart with me!" She yells causing Naruto to sink further into the small couch. She sighed listening to Jiraya spill is guts out about how hurt he is. Tsunade continued.

"Did you confess to her?" Naruto gave her a look of confusion as he scratched his cheek. "Her?"

"Sakura. Is she not your love?" Tsunade was confused. She assumed Naruto was crazy about Sakura. I guess by the look on his face, it changed.

"Sakura? Oh uh, I mean, Sakura's cute and all but I don't like her like I used too." It was true Naruto used to have a small crush on her in middle school and the beginning of highschool. His junior year he realized he only liked her as a friend....and his other friend.

Naruto likes them a lot.

"Wait wait wait. What's this I here about "like" and "someone"?" In comes Jiraya contributing to the conversation. "Well." Tsunade began smiling at Jiraya. "Someone's in love." Rubbing his nose Jiraya arched an eyebrow in confusion, before smirking. Naruto began to wonder was it a good idea to come to them.

"Oh~ so Naruto's finally growing up, huh?"

"It seems so."

"What, he needs help scoring that Sakura girl?"

"Guess what? He's not into her anymore."

"What seriously!? I thought he was in love with her, the way he acted around her."

The more the 2 talked, the more Naruto felt he was sinking into the seat. He covered his face with his hands, regretting ever coming here. Dammit, now they're talking about the past him. He feels 2nd Hand embarrassment slapping him in the face.

"Ugh! Can we just STOP with the Sakura thing!?" He shouted blush evident on his face. He hated talking about the past so much. The flashback of a younger, more obnoxious Naruto crossed his mind. Naruto dispelled all "You old farts! I need help!"

"You need help with the ladies, huh, kid?" Jiraya gave him a lopsided grin, Infused with a smirk as the blonde gave him a look of disbelief. Naruto couldn't believe his ears. Jiraya? He's a pervert- a joke! "You, give me, ADVICE?" Naruto and Tsunade gave eachother incredulous look, and laughed harder than the time Jiraya tried to woo the ladies at the festival.

Let's just say it ended with an injured Jiraya running from a crowd of angry men and women.

"What's so funny, hah!?" Offended, Jiraya held his fist up to the group shouting. The same character trait Naruto picked up from him. Wiping a tear from his eye, the high schooler replied.

"Really old man? Your game is weaker than Johnny Bravo's!" Tsunade only let her self go even more as the blondes simultaneously slid down in their chairs, knees almost touching the floor. Just an exaggeration of course.

"Why not just tell her straight out? You're not the type to be cautious." Jiraya commented, feeling his pride as a 'self-proclaimed ladies man 'diminish.The young male stopped, his physiognomy twisted up as if he smelt something rank, or tasted something sour. Tsunade sat up.

"I'm....scared." The word felt so wrong- given who it is coming from. Naruto licked his lips and swallowed. This feeling is so foreign, and he hates it. "I want to tell 'her'." He put a small emphasis on her, using the word loosely. His crush wasn't technically a female. No, if it was then it'd be so much more easier. "But, I don't want to ruin what we have,ya know?"

Jiraya and Tsunade gave eachother stern looks. Naruto looked between them, back and forth. Confused and down right nervous. They nodded and began to speak, like adjoined twins. "Study."


"Study her."

"I don't follow."

"Naruto." Tsunade spoke. "Never underestimate the importance of body language. The body tells you things that normally the mind can't. They give away the persons true feelings, despite what they say." Jiraya nodded in agreement to Tsunda's words.

Naruto soaked in the new found information like a sponge. With this information and subtle tactic he supposes he could actually figure out the others feelings towards him. It's genius! He's glad he came to Granny.

"Study 'her', heh? It's like a mission for a ninja." He chuckled.

"Yeah, a lovesick ninja." Jiraya commented.

"Whatever! How should I approach 'her' tomorrow?" Naruto asked, pumped and ready.

"First, tell me who it is." Naruto blinked a couple times, hurriedly looking for an excuse. He doesn't want them to know he's in love with Sasuke Uchiha. They wouldn't let him hear the end of it. "I'd rather you meet 'her' in person."

Tsunade sighed. "Fair enough; so here is what you should start with."

A/N: I actually wrote something. I plan on writing more chapters for this story. It's gonna be hella fluffy man.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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