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it been about 3 days since byeongkwan kicked a hole in seyoon's wall and the wall was on its way to a recovery.

although the two's time mostly revolved around eating and the wall they actually grew to know about each other.

like how seyoon attends University and is majoring in music production, how byeongkwan is a dancer and spends his time making choreo videos to popular songs.

or how seyoon is comically a early riser(except the last two days) and byeongkwan prefers the night.

both actually really enjoy each other's company.

the piece of the wall has already been cut out and today the plaster goes on top of it after that is some simple sanding and painting and the wall is as good as new.

Sad to say but both felt the bittersweet ending coming upon them yet they'd drag this out for as long as possible.

byeongkwan was sprawled out on seyoon's couch as the other was in the kitchen making a quick lunch.

they took a break from mixing the plaster...remember the dragging out that was mentioned?

"seyoon, what do you want to watch?"

"paint dry." seyoon joked.

"there's a show called paint dry?" byeongkwan asked sitting up a bit to look at seyoon in the kitchen.

seyoon softly smiled. "byeongkwan, it was a joke."

"oo~ I'm sorry I'll laugh, okay?"

"that's not needed." he assured as he took out plates.

"ooo food~" byeongkwan left the channel on whatever and left to the kitchen as seyoon placed kimchi stew and tteokbokki.

"you look so cute." byeongkwan said as seyoon undid the apron.

"whatever." seyoon mumbled a pink hue on his cheeks as he pushed a plate towards the other.

byeongkwan took a smell of the air.

"Mmmm! I love a man that can cook!" he said picking up a pair of chopsticks.

seyoon just smiled at the compliments byeongkwan gave out freely.

"you know, this is really good, seyoon." byeongkwan talked as he shoveled more ice cream in his mouth.

"I know, I bought it." he said as byeongkwan lifted the spoon to his mouth.


"you eat."

"come on, open up, yoonie!"

"aish! I'm older than you."

"and just how do you know that."

"what year are you?"


"And I'm 93, respect your elder!"

"seyoon-hyung don't make me force feed you." seyoon simply have up and opened his mouth.

"Yay!" the younger cheered as he went back to feed more.

After their 54 breaks the wall was finally covered. seyoon and byeongkwan stood looking at the wall.

"all left is sanding and painting.." byeongkwan started.

"then that's it..." seyoon finished. seyoon frowned at the wall.

"I should get going." byeongkwan stretched.seyoon looked at the younger as he moved to the door.

"byeongkwan!" seyoon called out reaching for the younger.


"Uh, do you want to stay and watch a movie?" seyoon mumbled.

"uh~ are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude." Seyoon chuckled.

"what do you think you've been doing this whole week?"

"my duty as a good neighbor." byeongkwan said.

Seyoon simply shook his head and made his way to byeongkwan and pulled him towards the couch.

"stay." seyoon said.

byeongkwan looked up at the older, just why was seyoon so hell bent on him being here?

"what?" seyoon said as he looked at byeongkwan who was still staring at him in-depth.

"yoo-hoo!", seyoon said snapping his fingers in the blonde boys face.

"huh?" he asked confused.

"you were zoning out." seyoon yawned with a smile.

"are you getting tired?"

"Nope." seyoon told as he kicked his feet up and flicked through the channels.

seyoon's statement was a total lie because he most definitely did fall asleep right after those words.

the black haired male woke up first yet to a pile of blonde hair in his lap.

The TV was still blaring but the local news was on.

he smiled softly as he finally payed attention to the males head in his lap.

"wake up." He shook the younger.

byeongkwan whined lightly, yet rested back in to his lap. seyoon simply watched the younger, a few more minutes won't hurt anyone right?

seyoon re-adjusted himself and closed his eyes drifting back to sleep.

"hey, I made bacon!" seyoon streched and rubbed his eyes as a voice poke from behind him.

"byeongkwan?" he mumbled as his vision came in more clear.

byeongkwan sat on the floor where the hole was and waved the paint brush around.

"seyoon, I cooked!" "seyoon smiled.

"I'll eat later, what are you doing?"

"I painted the wall, it's done! we fixed the patch!" He cheered.

seyoon's smile faltered just a bit but it was still in tact.

"that's great, thank you byeongkwan."

"you don't need to thank me, I told you I'd fix it." he hummed as he pushed himself off the ground.

"and I know you used this as a way to get me to stay longer."

seyoon squinted his eyes in the others direction. "What was that?" byeongkwan smiled.

"don't worry, I found it very sweet of you, hyung! but like I was saying, I found it very cute."

byeongkwan smiled as he made his way over to seyoon.

"I-I just wanted to..uh~"

"spend more time with me?" seyoon nodded, a very small one.

"then say that, you didn't think just because the wall was patched that's the end.of us communicating? seyoon we're neighbors."

"I know that, I just didn't think you'd wanna continue.."

"I do, that's why we're going to start the process all over!" he cheered, seyoon raised his eyebrows.

"I have a hole in my wall too you know?" seyoon smiled.

"oh of course." byeongkwan made his way to the door.

"come over around 2." byeongkwan smiled


that's it!

I hope you enjoyed, if anyone is reading this!

hey you! {wowkwan}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang