The members

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Reina Rahono, the person who owns this diary
Giana Greyoso
Owen Blaton
Whittany Whitefaner
Tristan Teagan
Minnie Mait
They all died, or will die, in some way.
Some way no one can stop.
They were chosen by whoever is controlling our puppet strings.
In this story, Reina and Tristan are married.
Just read.

Dear diary.
Today is Monday, 1935.
Oh! That feeling was great. The feeling of being satisfied. Finally, at the age of twenty two. Feeling his lips touch mine, finally being together for ever.
Hearing the church bells ring and the cheers as we finally married. The get away from the group was amazing, it was needed. We went to my mothers house and spent the night in the great Wild West of California. I still cannot believe they found gold here a few decades back. I felt sick the next morning, though. Throwing up. My mother told me it was pregnancy. I went to go get checked. I was pregnant. The group celebrated when we returned back to Arkansas. But I knew death was going to kill us all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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