Part 1

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The party wasn't even boring. Boring would mean that it actually ignited an emotion, and even if it would be boredom, it was already too much to depict the evening. It was... dull ? Nope, still too lively. It was shit. Yeah, that was it.

Clicking his tongue in pure annoyance, Bakugô took a sip from his glass, eyes scanning the masses. There were twerps in penguin suits everywhere, all wearing the same dumb face with a smile so forced they might break their zygomatics, all sharing the tic of rolling their glasses between their fingers as if they were refined oenologists. And for the ladies, the only things that might differ from one to another was the colour of the dress or the length of the hair, nothing else. Just looking at them simpering around anyone was enough to piss him off even more.

« An important party where all the administrators, accountants, but also directors and heroes of others companies, publicists and shareholders will meet, » Best Jeanist had said. « That's the kind of evening where some really good deals can be made. I don't want anybody to say or make anything that could ruin our chances, did I make myself clear ? »

And for that reason, all his heroes had to be there, nicely dressed and polite. After all, Best Jeanist knew he had some personalities among his team that were living publicities, and therefore would make his company stand out. Hence the evening being a never-ending mess of formal chit-chats and business cards' trading mixed with muffled laughs and handshakes...

Yes, the least that could be said was that Bakugô wasn't having the time of his life. This whole party was stiff, dull, useless... it was a miracle he didn't put his fist in his mouth to explode himself already. An unexpected indoor firework would be the fun this evening was lacking, honestly.

« Hey there, Firecracker Fairy, » a sly voice greeted him, immediately making a vein pop out on his forehead.

« The fuck you want ? » Bakugô rumbled, not even sparing you a glance. Having your silly « I'm-here-to-piss-you-off-and-I'm-soooo-gonna-like-it » face in his eyesight would probably make him blow his last fuse.

« Always so agreeable... » you sighed, but a smirk soon bloomed on your lips when you saw his eyes squinting in annoyance. It was just so funny to piss him off, you couldn't help yourself. « I'm just dropping by to congratulate you. »

This time, two red pupils landed on you, scanning you from head to toes. Even if it was the first time of the evening he took you in his view, he remained unfazed at how good you looked that night. Well, that was expected. It wouldn't be as fun if some nice dress and styled hair could do the trick.

« I don't even know why I bother to ask since I know it's gonna be bullshit but... Congratulate me on what ? »

« For not blowing anyone away yet, you behave like gold, » you answered with a sheer sincerity. « I even saw you chatting with a journalist without exploding him ! Did Best Jeanist threatened to fire you if you screwed up tonight ? »

« Tss, as if, » he said between his gritted teeth. But honestly, you weren't far from the reality. Your boss did told him that he would make his life a living hell if he didn't behave. « You fuckers at the company are nothing without me, I'm ninety percent of our popularity and got at least thirty other companies ready to sign me up at the second I would leave this fuckery. »

« Ah... I thought you came alone but it looks like you brought your ego as well. It's so huge and well-fed it'll soon start living on its own and call you 'dad'. »

« Why don't you just shove an anvil up your ass and go for a swim ? » Katsuki bit back, trying his best to not yell or, what would be even better : to punch you in the face.

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