Chapter 17- Real Relationship

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Jezebel's Pov
I woke up with warmth consuming my whole body I smiled and hummed snuggling closer to it.

"Good morning Ella" I heard a husky voice say behind me I sat of quickly looking down at Aiden. I sighed and remembered last night. I smiled again and leaned down and pecked his lips pulling away smiling. He smiled while his eyes were still closed, he eventually sat up to looking at me with lazy eyes.

"Good morning" I said smiling I stretched and was about to get up but I arms wrapped around me pulling me back down to the bed. I laughed because Aiden's face was lazy and had a smile while holding me.

"Aiden! Let goooo! I need to go pee!" I said and he shrugged and kissed my cheek. I pushed him and he didn't budge when I bit him he didn't flinch! What is wrong with this guy!

"Ella. Will you be my girlfriend?" Aiden murmured I leaned back so I could see his face, my face was full of shock. I sat up while he sat up with me, he looked at me with seriousness while I was looking at him with surprise. I looked down and smiled and then back at him and nodded.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend even though we're technically engaged" I said and he shrugged and pulled me into a hug pecking my lips and running off to his closet to get dressed. I got up and went off to my room to get dressed. I put on light blue high waisted jeans. a black crop top shirt, with my black flats, and  then I left my hair in its natural state. I walked out of my room downstairs to the kitchen. I started to get ingredients out for blueberry pancakes until Aiden came down and told me to sit down while he cooked it.

"Hey Aiden?" I asked and he looked away from the pancakes at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes Ella?"

"Do you love me?" I asked and he looked at me with shock, he cleared his throat while walking over to me. He stopped in front of my stool and cupped my face.

"Yes. I do love you Ella. I love you so much it hurts, even if I've been a totally jerk and acted like I didn't want anything to do with you. I love you" he said while years tears rolled down my cheeks. I then cupped his face and kissed him and when I pulled back we were both panting.

"I love you to Aiden"

He smiled and kissed me again. We pulled away when Aiden started to freaking out about how he forgot the pancakes. He sighed in relief when the pancakes looked fine. He got two plates out sat a few blueberries on both and got the syrup and sat a plate in front of me and he then sat beside of me on the island.

"So do you want to do something today?" He asked while stuffing his mouth full of pancakes. I thought for a moment before an idea popped into my head.

"Why don't we go to my teachers dance studio?" I suggested while sticking a piece of pancake into my mouth and he nodded while he swallowed his food. I got done with my plate and sat it in the sink while Aiden was still stuffing his face.

"I'm going to go ahead and start the car" I said and he nodded while I went down to the garage. I decided on my cute little car. She is a Jeep and her name is Frankie and I love her. I started her up and waited till Aiden came down. When he did we headed to our destination, my ballet teacher leaves an extra key in a fake rock for us, aka her students. To use when they want to go in and practice. When we got there me and Aiden got out and headed to the doors. I unlocked it and went in while Aiden was behind me.

"Wait here" I said he nodded while I went on the other side flicking the lights on. Our studio isn't a big and fancy one like Aiden's mom but it's cute and simple. I love the glow it gives off.

"It's beautiful in here, it's not that different from my mom's dance studio" Aiden said and I nodded my head putting my shoes on then turning on music while stretching. I beckoned Aiden over to stretch with me and it was hilarious! I can tell he isn't that flexible.

"You wanna see my solo in my performance?" I asked him and he nodded. I smiled and put the music on and showed him. (Dance on the side) When I finished he was amazed and I looked up at him and got up from the floor and bowed. He started to slowly clap and I smiled.

"Ella.. That.. That.. That was amazing!" He yelled coming over to me picking me up twirling me around in the air while I giggled. I thanked him and he sat me down.

"You know I could totally do that"

"Sure Aiden! Whatever helps you sleep at night"

"I can! Here! Do you have any ballet shoes for men?" He asked I nodded and went to the back getting a pair for him. I came back and gave them to him and helped him put them on. I showed him an easy running leap. He tried it and his legs weren't high enough. So I got our ballet teachers bottle and sprayed him with water.

"Hey what was that for?" He yelled I laughed looking at him.

"This is what our ballet teacher does if we don't get it right or she yells at us" I said and he huffed.

"Well I didn't ask for the whole experience!" He said and I laughed and taught him more. And if I'm being honest he did awful!
Hi... I'm sorry I've been busy guys! I hope you guys like the update! I love you my magical sea unicorns! Oh and I have no questions today! Sorry I'm tired!

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