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It was sharp knock that got her to turn down the music playing off her phone, but the whining was what really got her attention.

From just outside her door, it sounded like a dog was crying for someone, anyone.

At first, Michelle thought it was just her imagination, and some of the neighborhood kids were playing ding-dong ditch, but the sound was getting louder, more desperate. By now, the sounds were heart-rending, pitiful howls.

That was definitely a dog, and not some kid who was polishing up on impressions.

Michelle Wright was never one to ignore a dog, especially not a dog that needed her. Not that there were many, mind you, but as a dog lover who owned nothing but irritable cats all her life, she made a silent vow to jump on all chances to be around sweet, dopey dogs.

She turned off the burner on the stove, knowing that her Ramen was going to be super mushy by the time she returned. Didn't matter. She was dead tired from her spending an entire day creating new lesson plans for when September came back around.

She didn't even know how she convinced herself that she'd be capable of something as strenuous as chewing.

Opening the door, she found pleading brown eyes staring up at her.

"You're a big boy, aren't you?" Michelle crouch, careful not to move too fast. From inside, she could hear her cat meow imploringly. "C'mere. I won't hurt you..."

The dog sniffed the air, just as curious about her as she was him. He stood from his curled up position, tail wagging.

"Yeah! I'm your friend. Are you my friend, doggy? Are you?"

He wagged his tail faster, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he inched closer. She stuck her hand out a little further, encouraging him. He leaned into her hand, asking for a pet on his furry little head, which she happily gave up.

Fuzzy, her irritable cat of the past five years, peeked out the door. Immediately, she began hissing, the black fur on her back spiking up. Michelle placed her free hand on Fuzzy's head, pushing the cat away. That didn't stop her from growling lowly and keeping close by.

The dog didn't seem bothered by the obvious dislike from the other animal, coming in closer to Michelle, stepping over the threshold.

Now that he was in better lighting, Michelle could see the heavy looking envelope hanging off his tagless collar. She carefully unpinned it, laughing as the dog started twisting and turning to meet her hands.

"Be still, boy." She opened the envelope, peering inside, "I gotta get this, okay? Might be a..."

Oh, shit!

She closed the flap quickly, eyes wide. Hurriedly, her eyes roamed up and down the empty block, searching for anybody who could be lurking around. Opening the envelope again, she blinked several times to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her.

Crisp hundred dollar bills, in a thick, beautiful stack were inside. Benjamin Franklin stared back at Michelle, his thin lips pursed, soulless eyes staring back as if he was saying, "Yes, bitch, I am here. Whatchu gonna do about it?"

Michelle ushered the dog inside, to her living room before picking Fuzzy up and quickly depositing the angered cat in her bed and closing the door. Shuffling back to the living room, she found the dog on her couch, lounging on the furniture as if he'd lived there his whole life.

Hmph, with how much money I just found on him that could pay my rent for the next couple months, he is family now.

"Oh, my gosh! Hey, I've heard of money cats, boy, but never a money dog. Are you a deity? You can tell me, O Wise One. I won't tell anyone else."

It Will Come Back [Frank Castle].Where stories live. Discover now