Chapter One

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My eyes flickered open at the sound of something happening outside.It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything, I'm not exactly sure what I heard but it was enough to make me lay there for a few seconds listening. As I listened and was met with silence I decided it had been nothing but just a part of a dream. Then a tiny almost inaudible thud.....and then another. Again and again. I didn't want to move, didn't want to see what was going on and obviously didn't want to be involved with it at all. Then I heard something that almost made me burst out laughing. "Come out motherfucker I'm here to steal your dank ass memes!!!!" I sighed, it was only Shan my favourite bro. I remembered Shan had made a plan for all of us to sneak out and meet up at the gates (hehehe). I opened up the window right when Shan threw another rock that hit me in the head. I stumbled back and almost tripped. Luckily it was just a pebble otherwise I would've thrown it back at Shan because of how much she was wheezing with laughter. It took about ten minutes to calm her down from where I was in the window but after that I climbed down a pipe and landed on the lawn. She was standing about a few feet in front of where my window was so she wouldn't be seen.

"Was it the best idea to meet this late on a Wednesday?"
I yawned a bit and Shan replied

"Of course bro, it's the best time to do it. Midnight on a Wednesday! Doesn't that seem like something in a horror movie haha, we're definitely going to see some creepy stuff my dood."

"I'd rather be sleeping though bro." Shan rolled her eyes at my comment. I rubbed my eyes lazily trying to get the sleep out of them.

"So are we throwing rocks at any other windows?Oooor are we going straight to the gate."

Shan flicked my forehead
"We're picking up Satan."

"You mean Josh?"

"Same thing."
And just like that she turned around and started speedwalking away. I groaned and ran after her clinging on to the cuff of her jacket so I wouldn't be left behind or worse....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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