Chapter 5: Dec. 2, later

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     As I took the arrow holding the girl as a prisoner to the queen. "Oh, you found her, put her in a cell and then break the arrow, she's dangerous." They took the arrow, and told me to follow them. "Break it now and run." the guard said.

     I snapped the arrow in half, which was easier than I thought, and ran out of the cell. There was green smoke coming out of the broken bits. "Lock it up!" The guard yelled. The cell doors closed. Aris was laying in the smoke. Perfectly fine. "The arrow doesn't peirce you, it just sucks you into it" the guard said.

     I left the cell area, not wanting to talk with Aris. I needed to go and clear my mind, go hunting, alone. I went to the queen to say my request. "I would like to go hunting in the woods."
"Oh okay, I guess. Could you take Aqui with you?" The queen asked. "I don't see why not."

      Aqui turned out to be a pretty skilled hunter. She set traps, was quiet, and was good with a bow. We heard some leaves crunch, and Aqui instantly looked at the direction of the sound. "Deer" she said. She took her leather shoes off quietly... a great hunting tactic. She starts walking in the general area. Then I see her body fall.

     All of the sudden, arrows are flying everywhere. I run towards Aqui's body, only to find that there was an arrow lodged in her stomach. She needs help... fast. I try to pick her up. "No" she whispered. "Leave me!" "No! I'm getting you home!" I stuttered. I cradle her in my arms and make a run for it. "Get them!" Someone yelled behind us. I start to Sprint.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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