Part 3: How Team Flash got there

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Barry: *runs around the city*
Wally: *working on his speed at Star Labs*
Barry: *goes home*
Wally: *stops running*
*a portal appears at Star Labs*
Barry: *phone rings* *answers it* What is it Caitlin?
Caitlin: You need to get to Star Labs right now!
Barry: Ok I'm on my way right now. *runs to Star Labs* What is it? *sees the portal* Oh. A portal. How did it get here?
Iris: We don't know.
Barry: How do we close it?
Wally: We don't know.
Cisco: And I can't use my vibe powers to close it either.
*Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, and Wally fall in the portal and they arrive in district 12 from the hunger games*
Katniss: More of you?!!! Who are you?! Are you part of the Capitol? *gets her bow and arrows ready* Cause you don't look like normal people.

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