At the Seven Stars

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It was raining today; the dreary, dark atmosphere made the woman frown. This past week, there had only been a minimal amount of challengers. Even with that, they couldn't even get past the first member of the Elite Four. The elderly lady sighed softly as she continued to watch the droplets of water slide down the window pane that was next to her.

Due to the fact that they had predicted the possibilities of any trainers going to challenge the later Eilte being fairly low, Bertha decided to visit the Seven Stars Restaurant and dine there for lunch. They always served the best quality food there. Well in her opinion, of course. The interior of the building often became noisy during that time but she didn't mind. There were some disruptions that she minded but definitely not of other trainers enjoying their double battles.

A slight smile was then brought to her face as she mused on how excited everyone was. "Oh, all the fun they are having! Makes me feel like joining in after too, heheh!"

After a few moments, her thoughts were disrupted by a figure that stood in front of her. She broke out of her daze and saw that a waiter had been waiting patiently for her to order. "Please pardon me! Hmm...yes, I would like a cup of chamomile tea today with...just surprise me today. The chefs can always think of something delightful. Thank you~"

With that the man bowed politely to leave the elderly woman by herself once more.

Amidst the chaos of battles, there sat Bertha in tranquility as she enjoyed her meal and show.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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