I love you

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Meredith Grey, Nathan Riggs and Megan Hunt.

Meredith follows Nathan to Madigan and watches him get out of the car and walk into the hospital where is "fiancé" is. Nathan goes into Megan's room and she looks up at him and says "Nathan?" Nathan looks down at her, he says, "Megan, I'm sorry." Megan slightly smiles and asks how his life is and Nathan replies "Well as soon as Owen and I realized you went missing there were loads of searches, nobody could find you so they assumed you were dead. Owen and I never gave up. There wasn't one day when I didn't think about you. But recently my life has been great. I don't want to stress you out or anything but I have a girlfriend, Meredith grey." Nathan smiles. "We've been together for a month now but we've had a thing going on for about a year now. She's great and I'm in love with her. Once again, I'm sorry if this is a bit too much, I understand if you want me to shut up."  Megan smiles and says "Nathan, I'm happy that you've found somebody that makes you happy.

"Have you told her you love her? I mean, Its definitely not too soon. Its important to tell the people you love that you love them before its too late, you know?"

"I haven't told her yet, I guess I'm a little scared. I don't think she's the person that says I love you back and that's what I'm scared of. I love her, so much and I want to tell her, I really do but I just don't know how."

"Nathan, say I love you and then tell her that she doesn't have to say it back if she's not ready, tell her you just want her to know that you love her. Maybe she'll say it back, maybe she wont, either way its important to tell her."

"Okay, I'm going to tell her as soon as I get out of here. I just want her to love me back."

"She does Nathan, I promise. Good luck!"

"Thank You. If you need to talk to me at all, ask Owen and he'll tell me to come to wherever you are. Once again, Thank you."

Nathan walks out of the hospital and out of the corner of his eye he sees Meredith standing there. They make eye contact and both smile at each other. Meredith starts running towards him and then they touch, they hug each other tighter then ever before.

After hugging for 15 seconds, which felt like 20 long minutes they stare at each other, both don't know what to say. Nathan keeps thinking "what if I say it and she wants to break up" but he says it anyway.

Nathan starts smiling and says "Meredith, I love you, okay? And I don't want you to get scared and run off, please don't do that. I love you. You don't have to say it back, I'm not asking you to. I just want you to know that I love you and I always will, no matter what happens, I'm always gonna love you and I'm always gonna care. I'm not gonna leave you, I promise."

Meredith didn't stop smiling the whole time, she didn't really know what to say but she thought it'd be just a little embarrassing if she didn't say it back. Its not that she doesn't love him she just never thought somebody would love her. It shocked her and she just lost her words. So after 1 minute of silence ...

"I love you, Nathan."

They both smile at each other and Meredith jumps and wraps her legs around his waist and kisses him.

I love you/Mer,Nathan&MeganWhere stories live. Discover now