Los españoles are hot

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I walked into the club feeling bored as hell. I was never a big fan of gay clubs cause of the men jumping all over you and getting into the strangest fights but mostly cause of the straight women trying to flirt with you. The only reasone I was here was for the booze. The drinks were cheap in this club and that cheerd my night up.

I sat down and shoved my hand in my pocket to search for a piece of paper i got given. I had met Brian Molko yestardy morning at a tube station, he had noticed the guiter I had strapped to my back and offerd me to go to a gig of his and wrote down his number and I kindly accepted it.
He hasn't changed...well his hair is longer but thats it really.

My fingers finnaly felt the paper and I clawed at it trying to pull it out. To my succsses I dragged it out of my pocket and laid it on the counter top.

I stared at it wondering when the best time was to call. I had no idea. Maybe tommorow or when I get home, Im not expecting to bring a anybody home so I should be fine but what if he's sleeping or buisy? I'll wait till tommorow at dinner or should I ju-
"Leave me alone!" A spanish voice stopped my thoughts.
I turned my head around to see a man with amazing tanned skin surrounded by three far way to skinny guys.

"Come on...don't be like that. Think of it as a invatation to...heaven." One of the men chuckled.
"Listen you shitface. Im not interested in your  fiesta de pastel de tres capas! So do me a favour and fuck off." The spanish man spat.
Im not gonna lie I think this man is hot and I love how he doesn't take shit from no one. Thats the kinda guy I love to see. But I couldnt help but laugh a little at what he said. It was such a funny and great response.
" fiesta de pastel de tres capas. Such an amazing combat." I chuckled to myself.
I realized that all four men had heard me and stared at me.
I felt my face heat up with embarrasment.
"Im sorry. Are these men giving you trouble sir?" I couldnt help but ask I mean the guy did look fustrated so why not help and also I would be an asshole if i just watched.

"Your not envolved in this conversation so back off you prick." The skinny man snarled.
"Watch your tongue or I'll cut it off. Now fuck off!" I pointed my finger to the exit.
All three men cursed and stormed off leaving the other man blushing like mad staring at me.
"Nevermind those pricks." I smiled turning back round to order a pint.      
"I'll pay." The man moved closer to my
seat and pulled out a wallet.
"Oh...you don't, its fine." I didn't know what to say.
"Please...let me. You helped me and your cute anyway." The man said.
I felt my cheeks burn up and my stomach catch butterflies. Did he call me cute?
The bartender put down my pint and sighed.
"Five pounds." He spoke robotically.
"No probs." Mr spanish John Doe next to me shoved a note across the counter and the bartender took it and stroddled off.
"Thank you." I nearly whisperd out the words being shy.
"No need."
I took a sip from my pint and smiled.
"Whats your name?" I asked.
"Im David." The man known as David put out his hand kindly for me to shake.
"Stefan." I told him and shook his hand firmly and smiled.

"So you came from Sweden!" David mused.
"Yes. Im very Swedish, infact so Swedish im not even human." I said through drinking my fifth pint of beer.
"Do you Swedes get drunk easily?" Dave joked.
"I don't know...do hot Spanish men like Swedes?" I cooed with a hiccup.
"I also don't know." David chuckled sipping his beer. "Do you have a crush on me Mr Stefan?"
I bit my lip and giggled.
"Yes...I never used to understand why people found  Los españoles so attractive. Someone answerd my question." I exclaimed falling into Davids chest.

It was true what I said. I did grow a huge crush on David; friendly smile, soft looking lips, glowing skin, something comforting about being around him, dark brown eyes, everything that turns me on.

"Im not gonna lie but your not bad yourself." David started drawing circles on my arm as he hugged me.
"Thank you." I said looking up to meet his gaze. "David can I tell you something?" I asked.
"Sure. What is it?" He asked looking concerned.
"Im very drunk." I hiccuped.
David chuckled and nodded a little.
"I noticed."
"I know you noticed." I replied facing the crowd of people dancing.

"So tell me what else is there to know about you?" David spoke with his amazing voice.
"Welllllll...I'm trying to start a band aaaannnd I like heavy metal but I also like Jazz music aand I play bass and guiter and drums and piano and I speak two...no wait three...no two...i dont know langueges annnnnd I made a friend yestardy called Brian but I think Brian is Brianna." I giggled.
"Why do you think Brian is a Brianna?" La spanish man asked.
"He or she wears perfume and make up and girly tops...maybe they like androgyny." I gasped.
"That sounds interesting." Dave pouted his lip and nodded.
"I like music too. I also work as a DJ. I like to cook and paint. Im a big fan of Bowie and Kate Bush." David exclaimed.

"Me to." I lifted my head up and smiled.
David giggled then looked over on the counter top.
"Hey is Brian by any chance the guy on the sheet of paper?"
I turned my head around and looked at the sheet of paper on the counter top.
"Yes." I grabbed the paper quickly and shoved it in my pocket.
Fuck! I shoudnt leave my shit behind!
"Keep that safe. Might come in handy." David told me.
I nodded a little. I looked at David for a moment. He is so beautiful. Stunning dark brown eyes, amazing tanned skin, bright smile, happy features...everything that makes me feel happy. This is my taste in men.

Without thinking I shoved my lips against his. He was a bit shocked at first but soon did the same cupping my face with both his hands which were both so smooth.
He tasted of alchohol but that never botherd me the slightist cause I probably tasted the same. His lips were amazingly smooth and I can tell you for sure it was different from all the other lips I've kissed. They were all rough and cold but David's was smooth and warm, could make anyone feel better about life.

After a few moments David pulled out the kiss looking a bit concernd but showed a kind smile. I felt a huge wave of fear rise over me. Did I do something wrong?
Maybe I kissed him to quick, Maybe I should have waited a little longer or I might have been a bad kisser!
"Im sorry I-I-I...I didn't mean to...I mean I did! But" I stutterd over my words feeling nervous.

"Hey its ok." David said in a comforting voice. "But I don't want to take this any further lets...you know, just get to know each other better. Lets take this slowly."
I nodded a little worried but soon got my cool back.

Hours past and me and David laughed and chatted. Half the time it was hard to listen to his stories cause I was gazing at his beauty. The man was so perfect I never wanted to take my gaze of him.

It soon came to time were David had to go home. I never wanted him to go but I couldn't keep him forever. I walked him outside the club into the cold night sky. I wouldn't say it was romantic bu-Shut up Stef! You have only known the guy for a couple of hours!

David faced me with a grin on his face.
"Sooo...I'm going home now." He told me.
I pouted my lip making me have a silly sad face.
"But I found you cute." I whined while lazily but lightly tracing my finger from his lips to his chest.
He chuckled and looked around setting his eyes on a security guard standing at the entrance to the bar.

"Hey got a pen!?" He shouted.
The guard reached into his pocket and pulled out a red pen.
"Wait here." David patted my shoulder and I giggled drunkenly.
He walked up to the guard and took the pen and came back over towards me.
"Can I see your hand?" He asked.
I looked down at my hands and made
pop noise with my mouth.
"I don't know...which one do you want?" I asked stupidly though I meant it.
"Give me your left one, stupid." He laughed picking up my hand.

He wrote a couple of numbers on the back of my hand and dropped it to my side.
"Is that your number?" I giggled.
"Yeah, call me." He said.
I smiled happily and took the pen out of David's hand.
"Can I write on yooour right hand?" I cooed lifting his right hand.
"Yes." He laughed.
I some how rememberd my phone number and scribbled it in his hand.
"Call me." I grinned.

David kissed me before I could even move and wrapped his hands around my neck.
I kissed back smiling into the kiss. I felt happy and I also felt sober to be honest. David pulled away and pecked my lips.
"See you later Stef." David unwrapped his arms from me and walked away giving me a wave.

I stared dreamily as he left.
"Hey am I getting that pen back?!" A deep voice shouted.
I turned my head round and saw the guard looking pissed. I threw the pen for him to catch which he did very well and looked back over into the street.
"How the fuck do I get back home?"

The End

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