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"Promise you'll never forget me."

"Not even in a million years." He confirmed.

"Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky finger

"Promise" He laced our pinky fingers togather a gave it a gentle shake.

"You'll come back right?"

"How can I not." He smiled sadly

But I knew he wasn't going to come back but i ignored my gut feeling. I didn't wamt to believe that. I wanted to believe that one day he'll come back for me.

"I don't want you to go." That's when the the water left it's bay, swiftly creating a mess.

He brushed the tears away, engulfing me in a hug. His last hug

"I know, but you know i have to."

I nodded. God, how i'm going to miss him so much, his smile, his laugh, his jokes, his annoying pranks, his teasings, his hugs, his comfort but most of all i'm going to miss my bestfriend. My only bestfriend.

His flight was called causimg us to pull away.

"Trust me, I'll come back." He said as he walked away alongside his parents and I trusted him. I trusted him to come back, to once again be my bestfriend.

I nodded and waved goodbye.

But deep inside i knew he wasn't going to come back.

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