Extra Extra. -1-

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"Chris, no." I drug out, rolling my eyes as I tried to pull away from my current boyfriend, Christopher. "I have to go to class, you're gonna get me marked tardy!"

"You can stay for a few more minutes. Gimme' a kiss." He bit down on his bottom lip and tugged me softly towards him. I sighed and without hesitation I pecked his lips. "You know better."

Laughing, I grabbed his chin with my hand and pulled his face closer to mine. I gazed into his hazel brown eyes as I slowly slid my tongue into his mouth. He repeated my action and deepened the kiss, gripping my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up and pinned me against his locker. I pulled away from him as soon as I felt a bulge poking me through my shorts.

"Oops." I let go of him and stood on my two feet again. "Sorry baby."

"Man you be doin' that shit on purpose." He tugged on his grey sweats and tried to adjust himself so his hard-on wouldn't be noticeable. All I could do was laugh. "That shit ain't funny either."

"Did you not say 'gimme kiss'?" I mimicked his tone and laughed a little louder but not so loud because class had already started.

"Man— whatever you know what you be doin'." He sucked his teeth. "Ain't even gotta explain myself 'cause you know."

"I did nothing wrong." I smiled, "You need to be in class. Mr. Jones is giving out a test today. Did you study?"

"Shit." He groaned. "I forgot!" He quickly said, throwing his arms in the air because he knew I was going to say something. He knows I want him to do his absolute best in school. Not only because it's our senior year but because his attention span is short as hell.

I rolled my eyes again, "Chris! I called you and reminded you to study!"

"Yeah but that was before we—ya know?" I blushed, thinking back to last night. We FaceTimed and one thing led to another and....yeah.

"Yeah I know. Big freaky ass." I laughed.

"Baby you know me." He winked. "I sho' had you mo—"

"Shut up!" I punched his arm and he laughed.  "I'll see you in fifth." I gave him another quick kiss on the lips and hurried off to my next class.


"Okay class, today we are working on logarithms. Before you moan and groan and do your little annoying sighs, I know this is an eleventh grade topic. I've decided to refresh your memory for the upcoming quiz— which, is Friday." I mentally rolled my eyes and scribbled my name on the top right corner of my paper as Mrs. Buckner spoke. I don't know why she even bothers to lecture us being that no one ever pays attention to her or what she's saying.

Pretty soon my mind went elsewhere and I was stuck in this little daze. I already knew how to perfect logarithms anyway so I wasn't worried about failing the quiz. I found myself thinking about my future.. what it holds. The what if's and but's and why not's overflowed my thoughts and I tensely bit down on my bottom lip.

"Kya Figueroa." I jumped out of the little daze as I heard Mars. Buckner call my name.

I rubbed my eyes a little, "Yes ma'am?"

"Your paper, please."

I looked down at my paper and noticed all the scribbles and mini drawings. I rolled my eyes.

"Ms. Figueroa." She repeated.

"I—" I started then stopped with a sigh, "I didn't do it, I was distracted."

The whole class had their eyes plastered on me as if I were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Distracted? Paper, now." Buckner said, this time with more firmness in her tone.

I kissed my teeth as I got up to bring her the paper. She didn't even glance at it before she put a big fat "F" at the top.

"Come on..." I whispered to myself. She slid the paper back to me.

"Dynasty Smith."


Fourth period zoomed by and it was time for lunch. I felt slight pains in my stomach due to my hunger. I rubbed it as I made my way to the cafeteria.

"Hey babygirl." I knew that voice from anywhere. I turned around and saw Chris with a big smile on his face and one of his arms behind his back. He planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey. Whats that?" I pointed to his hidden arm. He kissed his teeth.

"Come on babygirl, you know me." He swung his arm from behind his back, revealing a small bouquet of roses. My eyes lit up.

He's always doing something like this. It's very sweet of him, actually. He knows how to make me happy with the littlest gestures.

"Oh my— where did you get these from? Chris, did you skip cl—"

"Shh. Baby no. I had my mom bring them while she was on her lunch break. I wanted to surprise my baby." He said, still smiling.

I pulled him into a big hug and kissed his cheek as a thank you.

He spun me back around, gripping a handful of my butt then slapping it.

"Oww!" I laughed.

After we bought our lunch we sat down at our usual table with our mutual friends: Ryan, Tremaine, Ella, and Bryson. They were already laughing it up as we placed our trays on the table.

"Aw, shit. Here go the lovebirds." Bryson said with a laugh. He bit down on his tuna sandwich that he orders every single day. We all thinks it is utterly disgusting but Bryson loves it.

"Man yo' breath gone be stankier than a mutha!" Chris made a stink face and nudged me. I laughed too.

"Like yours?" I glanced at Chris as he stopped mid bite of his ham sandwich. He slowly turned his head and stared at me for a second before sobbing out of nowhere.

"Baby, you- you supposed to be on my side!" He said, continuing with his fake tears. I couldn't stop laughing.

He is so extra, yet so cute. I swear I love him.


Pictures of Ryan, Bryson, tremaine, and Ella are included. Chris and kya's pictures are there too.

- love.

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