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"James stop it now hahaha!" I laughed loudly. Me and James were in my room studying until we got into a playfully argument about a question in our homework. But in the end, James was the one right and now he was tickling my sides...Which I am very ticklish.

"Nope!" he replied, popping the 'p', "You were wrong and now I must Tickle you for trying to be right" He smirked, moving to tickle my neck. Which was my most ticklish spot. "Ah! Hahahaha!! Nooooo stop I'm sorry! I was wrong and you were right!" I yelled and laughed simultaneously.

He smirked then stopped, rolling off of me. I just continued to lay there as I was trying to catch my breath. I looked over towards James to see him staring at me with a playful smirk from his victory, making me pout. But I quickly smiled.

I was now 18 while he is 19. Both Seniors in high school, We have been best friends since that day I woke up from the hospital. To this day I do not remember what happen. But I know it isn't what my mom told me.

I'm glad that James was the one that saved me, I wouldn't have never met him.

"What are you thinking so hard about Ash?" James said, laying down beside me. Ash was the nickname he gave me, besides kitten or cutie. While I gave him the nickname JamJam and hottie...secretly I call him sexy.

I smiled and turned my head turns his. "Just when we first met, I was thinking that I'm just happy that you were the one that saved me. If not I wouldn't have met you. And I wouldn't have such an amazing best friend" I smiled.

James chuckled then threw an arm under my head and pulled me into a hug. "I wouldn't have such a beautiful, kind, caring and amazing best friend either haha" He said, causing me to blush a little from his compliment. Then he checked the time. "Well it's getting late, you should head to bed so you won't be tired for school in the morning" He said as we both sat up.

I pouted but nodded my head and stood up. "Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow bestie. Good niggght" I yawned as I hugged him. He returned the hug and ruffled my hair, just like he always does. "Good night ash, I'll be waiting outside in the morning" He said before he left. Luckily he left before I could shout at him. I giggled but also pouted as I fixed my hair to what it was before.

I closed my door after him then went upstairs after telling my parents good night to get a quick shower. Once I was done with that, I went straight to bed. Quickly crawling under my fluffy blanket and sheets, sighing as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.





The metallic taste upon my tongue ~


~ *In the morning* ~

Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-ee-ee-p!

I quickly woke up once my loud and annoying alarm ranged. I sighed and banged my fist onto it to turn it off. I did not want to wake up this morning, but I still did and I got ready for school as I always do. As soon as I was done, my mom yelled for me that breakfast was done.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed my plate of pancakes my mom handed me, quickly wolfing them down as I realized I was running out of time. "Bye mom, bye dad!" I yelled, rushing out of the front door. James was waiting by the mailbox.

"Good morning" I mumbled as I walked up to him, walking together to school like we always do. "Good morning ash, haha I see you're still sleepy?" He teased, walking along with me. I mumbled a shush, giving him a pout as we walked to school.


Class so far was absolutely boring and annoying. The teachers scolded me for sleeping many times. I wanted to just walk out the class and go home to sleep, but you know I can't do that without getting in trouble. And since I'm a senior, I couldn't afford to get into much trouble.

After lunch I was slowly walking down the hall until Suddenly someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into the history class. I looked over to see James with a smile. "I saw that you were falling asleep in class. Our history teacher isn't here today so you can sleep" he said as he said down, pulling me down onto his lap then wrapped his jacket around me.

I was going to decline the offer but as soon as the warmth of his jacket covered me. I was gone, My eyes slowly closed as I quickly fell asleep, mumbling a quiet "Thank you". With James holding me in his lap and the warmth from him and his jacket..it was such a peaceful sleep...

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