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Okay here we go, 

Are you going to be writing and posting another story here on Wattpad? 

No, not at the moment. I am currently planning/writing a novel for Nanowrimo in which I hope to publish traditionally. But, I do have some ideas for more stories that might come later.

Will you be doing a book from Alex's point of view of Her Story? 

I don't know, I think having it come from Alex's POV defeats the point of it being Anna's story as most of the conflict happens on Anna's side of life in the story, not so much Alex.

Was I sad to write the ending for Her Story? 

Yes, I was. I may have teared up a little but I think that it was a great ending. Although that it is not one of my best books I have written I am still happy with it.

Now for some random questions I got: 

Single or in a relationship?

I am not in a relationship, so yes, I am single but proud, but when I am asked this question I like to answer it like this:

I am not single, but I am not taken; I am simply reserved for the one who deserves my heart. 

How old were you when you started writing? 

I was eleven years old and kept going from then on.

What is my favorite food? 

Pastries! Everything pastries! With Nutella or chocolate all melted inside, gah! My mouth is already watering! 

What are your hobbies/things you love to do? 

I am a Ballroom dancer so I absolutely love doing that! And writing too, duh! I love painting too. I am a very artsy person.

Now, my family and close friends, who have read this, have asked me if I am doing a sequel to Her Story, I really do not know. If you guys have any ideas in mind, feel free to let me know and I might take some into consideration. Who knows, I might just randomly come up with some idea and surprise you guys, I really don't know. 

Well, I hope that was successful and cool to know a little more about me,  Lucy Bug, the girl behind the screen. 

That's all for now folks. Hope to see you guys soon. 

God bless and Arrivederci! 

Her StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant