The beginning

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We never had a big family, so it always felt like it was us against the world; our dad died when I was three and Laynie was five, and our mum was in and out of rehab through most of our lives so we never saw her much. We were sent to live with our grandma which wasn't bad, she always tried her best, her husband on the other hand was a complete bastard, but that's
enough said on that subject.

Laynie was the adventurer out of both of us, you'd always see her doing something crazy, or stupid, or both; but that was the problem. And In almost a blink of the eye she was gone forever.

It's been 5 years today, 5 years since I last saw her, hugged her, annoyed her;
And I'll never get her back. To this day, nobody knows what happened to her, but I'm determined to find out....

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