new friend

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Jessica point

I walk up to the girl with red hair. She looks at me "hello" she says very caring and sweet "hello my name is Jessica" I say smiling "my name is Lilly nice to meet you"  she says "nice to meet you too. So I have found out you are a part of the sparkle girl" I say hoping she will say yes

Lilly point
"A what" I say not knowing what she means by sparkle girl is it some kind of art club I might have joined but forgot about "a sparkle girl is where we have our own powers and save the world from theses bad animal or monsters" Jessica says "well that is why the sky went gray and I saw something flying but why I am one of them" I ask. Jessica little bear looking thing jumps out her bad I thought it was just a toy that jumps or something. "A sparkle girl is a girl like you. By the look of you I think you will have fire or water powers. By the way I'm yuna the spirit animal of the sparkle girls you must help save my home or this place will face horrible horrible things" Yuna says "ok I will do it only because you are so cute and I don't want our world to have bad things happen and save your world" I say  "YAY" Yuna shouts and jumps into my arms "you will need this" she passes me a necklace it's a red one i notice that Jessica is green.

(Hello everyone I hope you having a good day I might not be uploading ad much in next year I start exams good luck to me. I will try to upload at least every 2 days. If I don't then I'm busy. That's it for now byeeeeee)

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