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Name: Madalyn

Nickname(s): Mads(Evie and Mal), Dear(Maleficent), grape(Jay), Maddie(Carlos).

Age: 16(Mal is 17 in this XD)

Home: Isle of the lost(Formerly), Auradon(Currently).

Eye color: Gray

Hair color: Purple

Appearance: Slender, petite,purple hair, gray eyes, black long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans, black and purple coat, black and purple boots

Occupation: Student and Cheerleader at Auradon Prep. Famous Singer

Fate: Being good, Being with Carlos.

Love interest: Carlos

Allies: Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos, Audrey, Lonnie, Jane, Fairy godmother, Ben.

Enemies: Uma, Harry Hook, CJ Hook,Gil.

Pets: Kyle(cat)

Family: Unknown (Father), Maleficent(Mother), Mal(older sister.

Powers/Abilities: Intelligence, Gymnastics,magic,turning into a dragon, dancing,singing, art

Likes: Carlos, sweets, her friends, her sister, Kyle, music, food,dancing,singing,her spell book,being good/evil, picking on Carlos,teasing the princesses and princes, grapes,swimming, stealing, magic.

Dislikes: Her mother, being a disappointment, fighting with Mal, Evie being hurt, Mal being hurt, girls flirting with Carlos, people staring fights with Jay, her spell book being touched.

Personality: Easily jealous, easily hurt, shy, clumsy, insecure, sarcastic, cocky, kind, good, sweet, bad/good, a tease, mean, rude.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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