Chapter 6

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Jhope POV

I was kissing SinB I fell in love with her the day I met her we kissed for about a minute and I pulled away

Jhope: I'm sorry SinB

SinB: It's okay but I think we should go back

Me and SinB went back to our dorm I dropped her of at her dorm and then went to mine

SinB pov

Jhope dropped me of at my dorm when I said bye I closed the door and I touched my lips and smiled wait have I fallen for Jhope I went to my room and then I hear a knock on my door

SinB: Come in

It was Ailee

Ailee: How did it go

SinB: It went well

Ailee: Are you sure you are telling me everything

SinB: Fine Jhope and I kissed

Ailee stared to scream and jump after she finished her screaming and jumping she teased me nonstop we went to sleep

Next day

Jhope Pov

I still remember what happened between me and SinB when I remember I smile Rapmon wants to go pick SinB and Ailee so we are going right now we walked in our I told Rapmon what happened yesterday he just teased me nonstop we got to the girls dorm Rapmon knocked and Ailee opened the door then she called SinB to come out we where walking I just remember everything and smile she does too does that mean she likes me I don't know but I like her we got to class and our teacher had left us work whit partners she said that she picked out the parings at this class I'm whit SinB and Momo so I really hope to be whit SinB

Mrs.Choi: On your way out you can see who is going to be your partner

It was my last class and I went to check who I'm with but when I saw who was SinB's partner I couldn't believe it but mine is worse Im whit Momo and SinB is whit a guy called Jackson I wanted to be with SinB

SinB Pov

I went to check who was my partner it was Jackson and Jhope is whit Momo I have to not be with Jhope or else Momo kills me I felt a tap on my shoulder so turned around to see who it was

Jackson: Hi SinB-ah I guess we are partners

SinB: Hi Jackson yup meet me at the library after school so we can work done I'll see you later

I went to my dorm to change into clothes and put away my uniform I eat a snack grabbed my bag and put on my shoes and went to the library I waited for Jackson for a hour he didn't come I don't know his dorm number I couldn't wait any longer so I did all the work when I was done I made a copy of the homework for Jackson I still wonder why he did not come I went to the bathroom when I was going back to the library I saw Momo whit her friends outside the girls bathroom I didn't want to go out because I'm scared I finally went out and when I was walking I felt someone grab my hair I turned around I see Momo grabbing my hair she pushed me to the wall

Momo: I told you to stay away from my oppa

SinB: I don't know what you are you talking about I haven't talked to your oppa

Momo: Oh yeah then what where you doing kissing him yesterday

SinB: You saw that

???: Momo let her go!

I see it was Jhope and Jackson screaming at the same time

It will go on.......

Hi it's me I'm really sorry for slow updates it's just my spanish teacher has been sending us home whit a bunch of homework and she is really mean pls pray for me to survive my first week but I think I'm not going to survive next week sooo I'm going to be writing new chapters on my weekends since I have no home work thank you for praying for me because if you would of not support me I would be writing right now so thank you

{School Love Affair} 《SinHope》 •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now