Chapter 9 : Following The Unknown

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Sarah found a pond to land in, she crashed into the pond

"Where are they...?" Sarah said, looking around

Sarah starts to run towards a village near the pond

"Hello. Welcome to the YellowTree Inn, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked her

"Have you seen two guys, One in a white coat with a hood and a guy in jeans and a coat?" Sarah asked, out of breath and soaked

"No... but it is getting late, tell you what. I will let you stay here for a night, if you help me with something I have been working on" The receptionist told Sarah

"Thanks... um... what's your name...?" Sarah asked

"My name is Samantha, and here are your keys to the room."

"Thanks Samantha..."

*Area Change*

" Sam... j-just so you know... that was a stupid move.." Dan said

" Shut up... we aren't dead... so there is no complaining..." Sam said, dragging Dan across the forest grounds

" ... I was a idiot... " Dan said, tears in his eyes

" No you weren't, you thought he was right... and you sided with him... "

" Stop Sam... let's set camp here...."
They stop, Sam goes to fetch fire wood and Dan starts to apply pressure to his arm

" Sam... I need to give you something.,."

" What is it?" Sam said

Dan hands Sam a sword with the letters LM embedded into the handle

" What is this Dan...?"

" This is a sword... Moms sword..."

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