Part 1||peter paker

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its just a normal day until...

You: *drops pencil case and books* oh no!

Peter: oh my god I'm so sorry!! I'm so clumsy!

You:no, no, no! Its OK I wasn't watching where I was going.

Peter: hi I'm, I'm peter * he says with a shy voice and a querky smile*

You: nice to meet you Perter I'm April!

Peter: what class do you have next?

You:science with Miss Russell.

Peter: no way me too!

You: that's awesome! We should go together. Or I dont know maybe thats weird.

Peter: no its not weird! That sounds good!

*the bell rings and you both walk together to room 103. When you get there you both sit together*

Teacher: please partner up for for science projects.

Peter: hey do you want to be partners?

You: sure!

*you both decide what you want the project to be. And class ends*

Peter: do you want to come over to my house or something to work on the project?

You: sure!

*so you both walk to Peters apartment together*

*when you and Peter get into his apartment you see a gorgeous woman sitting on the couch!*

Peter: May this is April, April this is my aunt May.

You: Hi May Its so nice to meet you!

Aunt May: You too sweetie! Anyway what are you to doin?

Peter: We are going to work on our science project.

Aunt May: OK well you two have fun!

Peter: We'll try *he said with a giggle*

*you both walk into his room and he shuts the door*

You: Thats your aunt?! She looks so young!

Peter: yeah!

You:OK so what chemical would be safe and best to use?

Peter: Hmm? Let me think.

*then you both lock eyes*

You: *smerk with a giggle* I really like your eyes.

Peter: Thanks! Yours are beautiful!

You:*giggle* thanks!

*after an hour or so you both decide to wrap things up*

You: well I'm glad we could get together and get some stuff done.

Peter: Yeah me too

*then once again you both started to star into each others eyes*

Peter: *leans in close to you and kisses you*

You:*kiss Back softly*

*then you both slowly pull away*

Peter: Well I'll walk you out front if you want?

You: No its OK you dont have to I dont want to make you go back outside.

Peter:ok. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then *peter smiled*

You: I guess you will

Its the next day, and your feeling so happy!

You: Hey peter! *you say waving with a cute smile*

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