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A/N: I am going to be trying to update more often now! Sorry!! I am going to update as much as possible because I am going to be doing National Novel Writing Month in, well, November and might not be able to update as often! 

Jace: You almost never update anyway.

Me: Oh, just eat your marshmallow!

Adrien sat at his desk and looked out of his window, deep in thought. He still had not gotten over finding out who Ladybug was behind the mask. Or that it was Marinette, one of his closest friends.

" Plagg!" I call out. The little Kwami came out of his hiding place in my sock drawer and landed on my desk.

" Yes?" Plagg says grumpily.

" Did you know Marinette was Ladybug?" I ask him. It takes a few minute, but Plagg finally answers.

" Yes."

" How could you not tell me!" I yell. " You knew I was dying to find out and you didn't tell me that you knew!"

" It is against the rules for a kwami," Plagg explains. I was going to say something, but a loud bang and screams cut me off.

" Don't think this conversation is over! Plagg! Claws Out!" I jumped out of a window and noticed Avian heading towards the park. Using my baton, I jumped beside him and continued on with him to the park.

" Hi Avian," I say, scaring him a little bit.

" Hi Chat Noir," He replies. We continue on to the park where we meet up with Ladybug and Great Dame.

" We aren't even here for a full day and we are already attacked by an akuma," Great Dame says.

" Maybe Foxhand called HawkMoth and told him to destroy you for him. Then, of course, send back your miraculouses," I say, earning a glare from Ladybug, a 'pfft' from Avian, and an eye roll from Great Dame. The akumatized boy screams again and tries to throw a dark, swirling black and purple ball at us. Dodging away, I notice that Avian still hasn't pulled out some kind of weapon.

" Hey Avian? What do you use to fight?" I yell over. He looks at me and smiles. Again pulls out a long bamboo stick with a gold stripe directly in the middle. I smile back and pull out my baton.

" Looks like we both have something to whack him with," I say. " Can yours do this?" I show him how mine grows and shrinks, and splits in two. His does the same.

" Awesome!" Avian says.

" Now that we are done with show and tell can we please get back to the fight," Great Dame scolds.

" I am Negativator! You shall all feel my depression and sadness!" Yells the akumatized victim, throwing seven more negativity spheres. Dodging the spheres, we meet up behind a bench in the park.

" How do we go about this?" I ask to no one in particular.

" I suggest a major key in the plan is to not get hit," Great Dame says.

" Well done Dame. That is obvious!" Avian answers, dodging another barrage of spheres.

" How about this, we need to get trapped somewhere where he can't fly off. That way we can figure out where the akuma is and de-evilise it," Ladybug adds to the conversation.

" Ok, but where?" I ask. We all look around while dodging spheres. People on the sidelines, while running from oncoming spheres, where getting extremely confused as they saw Great Dame and Avian. Some were pointing and asking others what was happening. I notice that a news reporter from the local news station standing We need to figure out how to trap him, get him where he can't fly away," Ladybug answers.

" I don't know if we can be much help. I mean, I know that I at least have no idea where anything is in Paris. Other than the Eiffel Tower of course," Great Dame says.

" I can get an aerial view of things and tell you if here is a good place to lead him." Avian takes off and starts flying over the city. As the battle progresses, with nobody getting any closer to figuring out where to lead him, I come up with a battle plan. I notice how his attacks seem to be in a pattern. 3 throws. 2-second pause. 3 throws. 2-second pause. A cool down! Next, I look for where the akuma is hidden. A small pin on his shirt catches my eye. And so does the nearby tv studio.

" Ladybug! The pin on his shirt!" I yell over to her. She looks at the pin and nods. I then point to the tv studio. If we could get him into one of the tv studios, he wouldn't be able to fly away. Ladybug tells Great Dame and Avian of the plan.

" Hey Negitivator! Catch me if you can!" Great Dame calls out. She jumps onto a nearby rooftop and starts towards the big building. Neegivitor yells and starts chasing after Great Dame, and his own demise. We all sprinted right behind the akuma as Great Dame lead it to the TV studio. Great Dame burst through the door threw a boomerang at the akuma. He yelled in response and dodged it.

" You think a mere boomeran- OOF!" The boomerang had come back and hit Negitivator on the back of the head. This earned Great Dame another yell and several more spheres being launched at her. Ladybug jumped over the Negitivator and continued to lead him to a tv studio. After finding one, we all ran in and locked the door behind us.

" Now what?!" Avian yelled as we continued launching failed attacked and dodging the akumas.

" Find a way to get to the pin!" was all Ladybug could yell back.

" Dame!" Avian yelled.

" Yeah?"

" Set up a square and we will lead him into the square. Be on guard!" Great Dame lept over to a corner of the room and set her boomerangs up so that it could make a square. I looked over at Ladybug, who just shrugged and continued to lead Negitivator into the square. After 10 minutes we finally managed to get the akuma into the square.

" Somebody break the pin!" Yelled Avian. Another five minutes go by with no luck. Ladybug summons her lucky charm.

" A rubber duck?" She squeezes it a little bit and it lets out a squeak. Ladybug looks around the room for any hints.

" Avian! Can you get him to fly up a bit?" Ladybug yells as she runs over to grab some rope. Avian soars up, leading the Nevigtivator up with him. Ladybug ties the end of the rope to the duck and the Nevigtivator's foot.

" Great Dame! The lights!" Great Dame finds the light switch and turns them off, putting the room into complete darkness.

" Chat?" Using my night vision, I make my way over to her.

" Yes, m'lady?"

" Throw this duck into one of the rafters so that he will be tied up to them." I take the duck from her and use my baton to go up to the rafters. I wrap the rope around the rafters, using the duck as a stopper so that it doesn't come out. Nevigtivator throws several more spheres at us. I grab Ladybug and bring her up to the rafter.

" Now what?" I ask her as I watch Avian pick up Great Dame and lead her up to a rafter across from us.

" Get ready to grab the pin," is all she says. She reaches for the duck and squeaks it. Nevigtivator whips his head toward the noise. Squeak. He comes closer. Squeak again. He is within arm's length away. Ladybug squeaks it one more time and Nevigtivator grabs for the duck. I rip the pin off of his shirt and throw it to Great Dame. Ladybug uses the rope to pull Nevigtivator back into the square. Great Dame throws the pin into the square, then presses a button on her bracelet. A huge, white beam comes out from the square. After the light goes away, after about three seconds that is, I find the light switch and turn on the lights. In the square was the de-evilised pin and person.

" What? Why am I here?" The man says as we pick him up from the floor.

" Don't worry sir. Everything is ok," I tell him as we lead him outside of the tv studio... and right into the press.

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