chapter 8

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Jake's POV:

Jake: Okay so I wanna ask a favor...
Lauren: Um.. What is it?
Jake: Well... You know Erika the best right? You basically grew up with her and know what type of stuff she'd like right?
Lauren: Yeah, I guess you could say that.
Jake: Okay well I need your help to pick out the perfect ring for her, if you could.
Lauren: Uhhh.. (looks at Jake with a surprised face) Wait! Like an engagement ring? Like a real one?!
Jake: Yes! I want to marry her for real, and I can't hold it back anymore. I'm so in love with her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her!
Lauren: (Lauren hugs Jake out of excitement and happiness) Oh my gosh!!! Yes, I'll come help you!!
Jake: (smiles at Lauren as he sees her filled with happiness and joy) Thanks!! I'll let you know when we're gonna leave. I just needa text Tessa and make sure she keeps Erika out of the house for a few more hours while we go to pick it out.

It just makes me happy inside knowing that people support me and Erika together. I'm so glad Lauren agreed to come with me because I honestly wouldn't be able to pick the perfect ring for her. This is something I always planned to do and I can't believe I'm taking one step closer to the real thing. I texted Tessa to tell her to keep Erika out the house for a little while so that Lauren and I could go pick out the ring.. I already told Tessa so she was cool with it and agreed to help me out. I'm glad I have great friends like these!


Lauren and I were at the jewelry store trying to find the perfect ring for the perfect girl.

Jake: (Looks at Lauren) so which one ya thinkin?
Lauren: Well, Erika is not really materialistic so you don't have to get her the biggest diamond.
Jake: Well yeah, but she deserves it. I love her that much!!
Lauren: (starts looking around) I think this one might be perfect for her. (she says as she points to a 18k white gold ring with black diamonds going around it with a medium sized round cut diamond in the middle)
Jake: (smiles as he looks at the ring) This is definitely the one! It's completely her! The diamond is not too big, and not too small. There's black colored diamonds on it going around it, til it reaches the beautiful original diamond at the middle. It's perfect! Plus, her favorite color to wear is black, Lauren!!! This is gonna fit her so perfectly, it's going to complete her look! (looks at the employer) How much for this ring?
Employer: $915,499 sir.
Jake: (looks at him) I'll take it. And... is there a way to make it possible for you to engrave some writing on the inside of the ring?
Employer: Sure sir, it'll cost you a couple thousand more.
Jake: That's okay. I just want it to be perfect for my girl.
Lauren: (looks at Jake) Wow. You really do love Erika if you're spending this much just to get her a perfect ring.
Jake: (Looks at Lauren) Yeah, I love her with so much passion. I want her forever.
Lauren: I'm glad Erika has finally found a great guy like you! I'm glad you're gonna be the one that gets to marry my cousin/best friend. She deserves a great man.
Jake: (Hugs Lauren and smiles) Thanks, Lauren. (looks back at the employer) I would like to have "Jerika Forever ~ 6/18/17" engraved into it please.
Employer: Sure thing! Come back tomorrow to pick up your ring and make your payment!
Jake: I'll be here for sure! Thanks so much!

I walked out the store with the biggest smile on my face. I can't believe I actually bought the ring! I feel like I just made the greatest decision of my life. Matter of fact, this is the greatest damn decision. I get to spend the rest of my life with my soulmate. Nothing will ever tear us apart.

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