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Needless to say, dinner that night was a complete shit show. Chara was her usual self, trying to loosen the tension with horrible jokes that nobody laughed at. In reality, it just made everyone more uncomfortable. As for Brendon, he was the poster boy of being a gentleman. My parents loved him, to my dismay . . . They were bound to invite him out again sometime in the future, and I was definitely not prepared for that.

After that, the weekend passed in a blur of writing, editing and making sure that all my facts were right. I wanted to make a good impression and tell the truth about Brendon's situation without making anyone upset. Here is a copy of the article:

From LA Devotee to Roguish Divorcee

Is one of the greatest pop-punk bands of this generation throwing in the towel? Panic! At the Disco has decided to take a two year hiatus. Often times this is the result of turmoil within the band or a lack of creative visioning, but I can assure you that neither of these are the case for Panic! At the Disco.

After being left as the only original member of the band, Brendon Urie has decided to try his hand at teaching. Urie accepted a job offer at The Da Vinci School of Arts teaching music theory for a trial term. "I really enjoy working at Da Vinci." He says. "It's a totally different atmosphere, standing in front of a class and teaching."

Moving from LA to Springfield, however, has proved to be harder on his relationship with former wife, Sarah Orzechowski, than Urie initially thought. Yes, Brendon and Sarah, the power couple that everyone believed would be together forever, have broken up. The divorce was finalized on Saturday, September 17, 2016 and was mutual, albeit somber.

"We were in love, but we were constantly arguing," Said Urie. "I still love her, but I know this is for the best. I'm starting a new chapter of my life, and I think I'm really going to love it." A new chapter, indeed. It's 'The End of All Things' for Brendon Urie, and from 'LA Devotee' to roguish divorcee, he is able to stay in good spirits, and continue to be an inspiration to many.

~Ellesia Snow

"Wow, Ellesia, that's really powerful." Mr. Anderson said, handing me back the paper. "You should consider getting that published into a magazine." At that, I felt my heart leap into my throat. No way. There was no way I would publish that without some input from Sarah too. It was totally one sided, and I didn't really want to get into a dispute with her.

"Thanks, Mr. Anderson," I feigned excitement while trying not to throw up. "I'll definitely think about it."

As soon as the bell rang, I ran to Brendon's classroom at full speed. I was getting more exercise than I had ever gotten before by befriending Brendon. When I reached the room, his door was already closed so I pounded on it continuously until it swung open, revealing a perturbed Brendon.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just freaking out." I gave a sheepish smile and he just rolled his eyes, holding up a finger, signifying that I was to wait.

"Just, uh, jam out until I get back. Sorry, guys!" I heard him tell his class, and then he reemerged. "What's wrong?" He made to caress the side of my face with his hand, but I stepped back slightly.

"Not here," I whispered, then looked around to make sure nobody was watching. Sure enough, another teacher was making their way down the hall. They were far enough away that they didn't notice anything, but I didn't want to take any chances.

"There's a book closet around the corner," Brendon offered, sensing my anxiety. I nodded and he ushered me farther into the music wing, into a small room stacked to the ceiling with music books and equipment. As soon as the door was closed, I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me without a word.

"Thank you," I sighed into his chest. He smelled really good, and I never wanted to let go of him. "I'm really sorry for pulling you away from your class . . . It's just that Mr. Anderson suggested that I publish the article I wrote about you and it's so one sided and—"

"Hey, calm down, El." Brendon chuckled, pulling out of the hug and looking me in the eyes. "Talk to Sarah, if you can. I'll give you her Skype, but I can't guarantee that she'll answer. I just know that I'd rather you wrote about something so personal than anyone else. I trust you, that's one thing you have going that other reporters don't."

I took a deep breath and smiled up at him. "Thank you, B." I gave him one last hug and went for the door handle.

"Wait," he said, leaning on the door to keep it closed. "I'll go first, then wait a minute or so and go the opposite direction." I rolled my eyes, but agreed. We didn't want to attract attention, so it was a reasonable thing to do.

The rest of the day went on as normal; I ate lunch with Chara and finished all my classes. Around 3:30 I got a text from Brendon and my heart started to pound. It was Sarah's Skype link.

BrenDONE 😉: good luck, call me if things get out of hand.

"Chara, I have to do an interview, do you mind leaving?" I asked, nervously clicking send on my friend request.

Hi Sarah,
I'm a friend of Brendon's and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the divorce. I know it's a personal subject, but I'd like to have both sides of the story so that I can portray it better in my article.

"An interview?" Chara waggled her eyebrows and I shook my head with a snort.

"It's not with Brendon, it's with Sarah. I want to get both sides of the story." Chara's face fell and she twitched her lip, as if to say something, but then just nodded and walked toward the door.

"Be careful, Ellie." She said before leaving. When the door shut I checked my computer to find a message from Sarah.

Sarah: you're right, this is a personal subject, and I don't really feel comfortable talking to a complete stranger about it. However, if Brendon trusted you enough to tell you about the divorce . . . Well you must be at least somewhat trustworthy.

I decided that rather than message her back, I'd just video call her. It takes a lot less energy to talk, and it's harder to misconstrue a voice than a text. I pressed the call button and, to my surprise, she picked up relatively fast.

"Hi, Sarah." I smiled, waving slightly. She looked like a wreck, and I kind of felt sorry for her. "From what Brendon told me, I thought you'd be a ray of sunshine or something."

"Yeah, well, B has a way of making everyone else seem less human sometimes." She sighed, tossing a hand through her long, curly hair.

"What do you mean?" I asked, hoping she'd talk about why the divorce happened. She shrugged and cradled a small dog in her lap.

"Well, he's a very passionate guy, sometimes he forgets that other people have feelings. It's just a warning for you, don't get too attached to him." I wrote down some of what she said and then she started to smirk at me. Even though there was a computer and a million miles between us, it was still disconcerting.

"What?" I asked, trying not to sound nervous. I failed miserably, only making her grin widen.

"You're already attached, aren't you? I get it, he's very charismatic, just don't be surprised when he breaks your little heart. It starts with a little touch, pretending you're 'just friends' when you're clearly more. Then you start dating, and he's awesome. He says he loves you, and you believe him . . . But then you realize the only thing he really loves is his career. He works all day and all night, you stop having fun together and no matter what you do, you start to fade into the background. I'm sorry that you're his next victim,"

Before she can say any more, I hang up the call and tears start to stream down my face. What did I do?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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