What we think about ourselves

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Ravenclaw is our pride.
Ravenclaw is my home.
Rowena Ravenclaw is our Patroness.
She is the soul.
And blood that runs through us-
Irrespective of being a pure-blood, half-blood or a muggle-born.
We require a just and wise mind which is eager to learn.
We are beautiful.
Its the way we look at ourselves.
We are colourful.
We are Divergent.
Firstly, intelligent and wise Erudites
Then, selfless Abnegations
We speak the truth-Candor
With wisdom, strength and determination.
Amities as to stay peaceful and learn untiringly.
Dauntlesses to fight  justice.

We are different from all.
We belong to a place where you find innovations and knowledge.

This is Us.

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